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发布时间:2018-05-19 03:39

  本文选题:非羁押诉讼 + 现状 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Non-custodial litigation system embodies the dual needs of protecting human rights in criminal proceedings and cracking down on crime. At present, the principle of non-custodial as the normal and detention as the exception has been established in the international community. The new revised Criminal procedure Law of China in 2012 has added the legislative purpose of "respecting and protecting human rights", refined the conditions of arrest, strengthened the examination of the necessity of custody, and provided legislative support for the wide application of non-custodial proceedings. However, in judicial practice, there are still some phenomena, such as low application rate of non-custodial coercive measures, great difficulties in implementation and inconsistent practice of judicial organs. Therefore, it is of great significance to carry out the non-custodial litigation system in our country and to protect the rights of criminal suspects. The system of non-custodial litigation in our country is still in the primary stage. There are many factors restricting the application of non-custodial coercive measures: the defects of legislation and the lack of maneuverability in the identification of "social danger"; The relative measures to guarantee the operation of non-custodial litigation lag behind; the enthusiasm of the subject of execution is not high; it is influenced by the inherent inertia thinking and so on. Based on the analysis of the basic theory of non-custodial litigation, the author attempts to study the current situation and problems of non-custodial litigation in China, taking the relevant foreign systems as reference, and taking the beneficial exploration experience of various places as reference, especially for the purpose of obtaining bail pending trial. From the perspective of the basic procuratorate, this paper probes into how to improve and perfect the non-custodial litigation system in our country.


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