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发布时间:2018-05-19 19:50

  本文选题:法官 + 多元角色 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The role of judges has long existed as a hot topic in the field of law. At present, the research on the group of judges focuses on the selection, appointment, evaluation, independence of judges and the status of judges in litigation. From the existing research, we can draw the following conclusion: each individual in a society is in a certain position or several definite positions in that society, in a particular crisscross network of social relations. Therefore, each individual plays a certain social role in it. Starting from the concept of "role" in the sense of law and sociology, we generally think that "role" is the behavior of a certain group of people or individuals with a certain identity in social life. One or more of the corresponding expectations of the other characters about the action. The "role of judges", as discussed in this paper, refers to the behavior norms that are consistent with the internal and external factors such as the social status, identity representation and main functions of the professional groups of judges. Specifically, the role of judge is a kind of social role which can fully display the special function of the judiciary, and it is the behavior expectation of all groups with such special function. At present, the judicial reform process of our country is going through a new baptism and regeneration process from tradition to modern. At the same time, with the development and perfection of the social division of labor in the deep direction, the professional group of judges has gradually become a very important role with distinctive personality of the times and special group attributes. On the basis of the existing research, based on many new problems in the judicial field of our country during the transition period, we need to re-examine the traditional legal thought and social mentality, and make new cognition and judgment. With the continuous development of market economy in our country, we need to continue to adhere to the road of building the rule of law. However, in this process, there are three kinds of roles in the professional group of judges, among which the role of administrative power person and the role of sociocultural person bring more and more serious impact to the role of legal person. The construction of the rule of law in China has also produced a large or small visible hindrance. Based on the above reasons, it is necessary for us to study the role transformation of the professional group of judges and its conflict resolution on the basis of recognizing the role types of the existing professional groups of judges. In the current period of transition in China, both theoretical considerations and practical needs warn us that we need to move rapidly from the administrative dominant society to the rule of law leading society, from the administrative authority to the rule of law authority. In accordance with this, the adjustment of the role of the professional group of judges in our country also presents a comprehensive and innovative change: we should not only get rid of the shackles of various traditional social concepts, but also accept the characteristics of the rapidly changing judicial ideas. However, in judicial practice, professional groups of judges encounter tension and conflict caused by environmental factors, organizational factors, role factors and interpersonal relationships. How to look at the existing pluralistic roles of the professional group of judges and the forms of conflict between them? How to solve the conflict of role faced by judges? The author will use the theory of "role" in the field of sociology to explain and analyze the above problems with the help of an appropriate and interdisciplinary research method.


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