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发布时间:2018-05-20 01:22

  本文选题:先行调解 + 诉讼调解 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国经济社会的持续发展,人与人之间各种利益的摩擦频繁,民事案件呈现出新的特点,不仅在数量上呈爆炸式增长,案件类型也日趋多样化复杂化。基于我国诉讼调解的复兴、民事审判由调审合一到调审分离的走向以及外国法院附设ADR模式的影响,先行调解制度被引入民事诉讼纠纷解决机制之中。 新民事诉讼法将先行调解制度纳入其中,使先行调解正式确立为民事程序机制,为诉讼当事人提供了新的纠纷解决途径。由于是首次出现,缺少具体规定,对于先行调解本身的概念,法律未予以明确。作为一项新兴的制度,我们研究它,需要明确它,结合相关法律规定、司法解释以及相关学者的观点,我们对先行调解进行界定。就概念而言,应是当事人将民事纠纷诉之法院后,法院在先于立案阶段,对具有调解可能性的案件,通过合意调解方式达到定争止纷的纠纷解决机制。就性质而言,先行调解属于替代诉讼的纠纷解决机制,在程序上既独立于诉讼程序,同时又与诉讼程序紧密相连。概言之,先行调解既不同于诉讼外的调解,也不同于诉讼中的调解。先行调解更应该是移植于域外替代性纠纷解决机制的法院附设ADR,,它具有司法与非司法、诉讼与非诉讼调解的双重属性。 在《民事诉讼法》确立先行调解之后,我们再去着眼于先行调解机制的司法实践,分析立法与实践的差距。我们可以看到,先行调解实践运行中已经出现了多种实践模式,我们进行类型化概括,主要分为以下三种运作模式:法院法官自行调解、委托其他组织进行调解、人民法院附设的人民调解工作室调解。 通过对先行调解实践状况的分析,我们看到了先行调解具有优势的一面,也看到了制度本身在设计上的一些不足以及实践过程出现的纰漏。在民事诉讼法对先行调解加以确认之后,我们需要针对先行调解的司法实践“查漏补缺”,去明确先行调解发展的方向。所以,本文尝试对先行调解的适用和运行提出些许完善意见,希望有助于先行调解立法以及实践发展的完善。首先是完善立法进一步明确发展方向,其次是从多个方面来完善这项机制,包括明确先行调解启动程序、强化先行调解主体力量、完善先行调解诉调对接以及先行调解保障机制的建构。
[Abstract]:With the sustainable development of our country's economy and society, the friction between people's interests is frequent, civil cases show new characteristics, not only in the number of explosive growth, the types of cases are becoming more and more complicated. Based on the revival of litigation mediation in our country, the trend of civil trial from the unity of investigation and trial to the separation of investigation and trial, and the influence of the ADR model attached to foreign courts, the system of mediation in advance is introduced into the mechanism of resolving disputes in civil litigation. The new civil procedure law includes the system of mediation in advance, which makes the mediation in advance be formally established as the mechanism of civil procedure and provides a new way for litigants to settle disputes. Because it is the first time, the law is not clear about the concept of mediation in advance. As a new system, we study it, we need to make it clear, combined with the relevant legal provisions, judicial interpretation and the views of relevant scholars, we define the first mediation. As far as the concept is concerned, it should be the court that litigates the civil dispute before the filing stage. In the case with the possibility of mediation, the court can reach the dispute settlement mechanism by means of consensual mediation. As far as its nature is concerned, mediation in advance belongs to the dispute settlement mechanism of alternative litigation, which is not only independent of the procedure, but also closely connected with the procedure. Generally speaking, mediation in advance is not only different from mediation outside litigation, but also different from mediation in litigation. First mediation should be transplanted to the extraterritorial alternative dispute resolution mechanism of the court attached to ADR.It has the dual attributes of judicial and non-judicial litigation and non-litigation mediation. After the establishment of the first mediation in the Civil procedure Law, we focus on the judicial practice of the first mediation mechanism and analyze the gap between the legislation and the practice. We can see that a variety of practice models have emerged in the practice of mediation in advance. We have classified them into the following three operating modes: mediation by the court judges themselves, mediation by other organizations, Mediation by the people's Mediation Studio attached to the people's Court. Through the analysis of the practice of mediation in advance, we can see the advantages of mediation in advance, as well as some deficiencies in the design of the system itself and the flaws in the process of practice. After confirming the advance mediation in the Civil procedure Law, we need to make clear the direction of the development of the first mediation according to the judicial practice of the first mediation. Therefore, this paper tries to put forward some suggestions on the application and operation of mediation in advance, hoping that it will be helpful to the improvement of legislation and practice of mediation in advance. First, to perfect the legislation to further clarify the direction of development, and secondly, to perfect the mechanism from a number of aspects, including clarifying the procedure for initiating mediation in advance, and strengthening the force of the subject of mediation in advance. To perfect the docking of the mediation and the construction of the guarantee mechanism of the advance mediation.


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