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发布时间:2018-05-20 11:48

  本文选题:诉讼法理 + 非讼法理 ; 参考:《法律适用》2017年11期

[Abstract]:The legal provisions on the trial procedure of the case of visitation rights are more vague in our country. It is impossible to provide specific legislative basis for the trial of such cases; the practical civil procedure for the trial of the case of visitation is adopted. In theory, the case of the visitation right has both non contentious and contentious litigation, and the theory of the interlaced application of law should be chosen. At the same time, it pays more attention to the application of some litigation jurisprudence while emphasizing the application of non litigation, and the consequent legal conflict can be coordinated through legislative interpretation, judge balance and institutional arrangement.
【作者单位】: 北京大学法学院;


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