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发布时间:2018-05-22 18:03

  本文选题:司法公开 + 检务公开 ; 参考:《人民检察》2017年02期

[Abstract]:The openness of procuratorial affairs belongs to the category of judicial openness, and its legal basis, theoretical basis and judicial openness are inseparable, and are the product of the progress of democracy and the rule of law. Since 1998, the open system of procuratorial affairs in our country has experienced four stages. At present, there are still some problems concerning the open system of procuratorial affairs, such as lack of understanding, inconsistent standards, imperfect supporting systems, etc. How to promote the innovation and development of the openness of procuratorial affairs under the new situation requires a profound understanding of the legal basis for the disclosure of procuratorial affairs. We should grasp the scope and methods of openness, renew the idea of opening up procuratorial affairs, emphasize the emphases of opening procuratorial affairs, enrich the ways of openness of procuratorial affairs, and perfect the mechanism of openness of procuratorial affairs.
【作者单位】: 湖北省人民检察院联络处;


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3 ;最高检报告解读[A];贵州法学(2014年第3期)[C];2014年

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