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发布时间:2018-05-22 18:35

  本文选题:商业秘密 + 原告 ; 参考:《上海大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:在商业秘密侵权诉讼当中,原告处于相对弱势的地位,,举证负担过重,不确定因素多,所以其胜诉率非常低,并且我国目前对商业秘密诉讼程序保护的研究的广度和深度相对不足,商业秘密还有可能在诉讼中因程序法的漏洞或人为的操作而进一步不适当地被公开,造成对原告的“二度伤害”。如不改善,长此以往,必将会挫伤商业秘密权利人的诉讼积极性,损伤公众对于法律的责任。所以,笔者认为应该在商业秘密侵权诉讼中倾斜保护原告。 本文将从商业秘密侵权诉讼中的推定适用原则,举证责任分配,禁令制度,不公开审判制度四个方面分别阐述如何对原告倾斜保护。全文共分为五个章节。 第一章主要是论述为什么保护原告:分析并比较了商业秘密侵权诉中当事双方的地位,以此说明原告在诉讼中的相对弱势地位,从而推出倾斜保护原告的必要性,并且也阐述了保护的限度,防止过度保护原告对被告不利。 第二章阐述了商业秘密侵权诉讼中的推定原则的适用问题,分析了推定的一般原则即“接触、实质相同并排除有效抗辩原则”对保护原告方面的不足,然后提出相关解决建议。最后通过列举案例阐述了“不可避免泄露、使用原则”,并说明其对保护原告方面的有利作用。 第三章阐述了在举证责任配置过程中如何保护原告,并把举证责任倒置问题和保护原告问题结合起来探讨,最后提出了关于举证责任配置的几点完善建议。 第四章阐述了商业秘密侵权诉讼的禁令救济制度,旨在说明禁令救济有利于保护原告。通过阐述英美两个国家的商业秘密禁令救济制度,以期完善我国的相关法律规定。 第五章阐述了商业秘密案件的不公开审理制度。不公开审理对商业秘密的原告保护具有非常重大的意义,能够防止原告在商业秘密在诉讼程序当中受到二次侵害,但是我国对于不公开审理只提供了轮廓,内容笼统,不利于实务操作。所以我国应该完善商业秘密不公开审理制度。
[Abstract]:In the trade secret infringement lawsuit, the plaintiff is in a relatively weak position, the burden of proof is too heavy, and there are many uncertain factors, so its rate of success is very low. Moreover, the scope and depth of the research on the protection of trade secret proceedings in our country are relatively insufficient, and trade secrets may be further improperly disclosed in litigation due to loopholes in procedural law or artificial operation. Cause "second injury" to the plaintiff. If not, it will dampen the litigation enthusiasm of the right holders of trade secrets and damage the public responsibility to the law. Therefore, the author thinks that should protect the plaintiff in the trade secret infringement lawsuit. This article will explain how to protect the plaintiff from four aspects: the principle of presumption application, the distribution of burden of proof, the system of prohibition and the system of closed trial. The full text is divided into five chapters. The first chapter mainly discusses why to protect the plaintiff: it analyzes and compares the position of both parties in the trade secret tort lawsuit, so as to explain the relative weak position of the plaintiff in the lawsuit, and thus put forward the necessity of inclined protection of the plaintiff. And also elaborated the protection limit, prevents the plaintiff to be disadvantageous to the defendant. The second chapter expounds the application of the presumption principle in the trade secret tort litigation, analyzes the deficiency of the general principle of presumption, that is, "contact, substantial identical and excluding the effective defense principle" to protect the plaintiff, and then puts forward some suggestions to solve the problem. In the end, the author expounds the principle of inevitable leakage and usage by citing cases, and explains its beneficial role in protecting the plaintiff. The third chapter expounds how to protect the plaintiff in the process of allocation of the burden of proof, and discusses the problem of inversion of the burden of proof and the protection of the plaintiff, and finally puts forward some suggestions on how to improve the allocation of the burden of proof. The fourth chapter expounds the injunction relief system of trade secret infringement litigation, aiming to explain that injunctive remedy is beneficial to the protection of plaintiff. By expounding the trade secret prohibition and remedy system in Britain and America, we hope to perfect the relevant laws and regulations of our country. The fifth chapter expounds the closed trial system of trade secret cases. The private trial is of great significance to the protection of the plaintiff of the trade secret, and can prevent the plaintiff from being infringed twice in the proceedings of the trade secret. However, our country only provides the outline for the closed trial, and the content is general. It is not conducive to practical operation. Therefore, our country should perfect the commercial secret closed trial system.


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