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发布时间:2018-05-23 07:50

  本文选题:取保候审 + 保证人保证 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:取保候审保证人保证是指为保证刑事诉讼的顺利进行,要求犯罪嫌疑人、被告人提供保证人,并由保证人出具保证书,保证犯罪嫌疑人、被告人不逃避和妨碍刑事诉讼的一项制度。作为取保候审保证方式之一,保证人保证对制约公权力,保障犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的人权,实现诉讼经济具有重要作用。但我国保证人保证存在诸多问题,导致其无法发挥应有作用。本文对取保候审保证人保证进行实证研究,目的在于发现其存在的问题,分析形成这些问题的原因,,并在借鉴域外成功经验的基础上,结合我国国情,提出完善我国保证人保证方式的具体设想。 本文分为四个主要部分: 第一部分是发现问题。通过对G市取保候审保证人保证的调研数据进行解析,同时为避免片面性,亦结合我国其它地区的情况,提出保证人保证在司法实践中存在的问题,具体体现于以下几个方面:一是取保候审总体适用比例不高;二是保证人保证适用比例较低;三是逃保、弃保现象较为频繁;四是保证人的责任难以追究。这些问题影响保证人保证方式的具体适用,致使其无法发挥应有的制度功能。 第二部分是分析了形成前述问题的原因。保证人保证在实践中存在的问题是多种原因合力而为。总体来看,既有司法机关执法观念存在偏差的内在束缚,也有现行法律存在缺陷和外来人员在涉案人员中占有一定比例的影响,还有缺乏取保候审所需要的完备监管系统和较为完整的社会诚信机制。 第三部分分析了完善我国取保候审保证人保证的必要性。要想对某项制度进行完善,首先必然明晰对其完善的必要性,明确该项制度存在的价值基础。笔者认为,该项制度存在价值基础主要体现于以下几个方面:一是尊重公民人身自由权利的体现;二是制约公权力滥用的重要举措;三是利于实现诉讼经济。 第四部分是完善举措。笔者于文中运用比较研究方法,在借鉴域外保证人制度的成熟立法与实践经验的基础上,从转变理念、完善立法、设立监管机制,加强诚信意识四个方面提出了完善我国取保候审保证人保证的具体举措,以期能对此项制度发挥其充分作用有所裨益。
[Abstract]:In order to ensure the smooth progress of the criminal proceedings, the guarantor for obtaining bail pending trial is to require the criminal suspect and the defendant to provide the guarantor, and the guarantor shall issue a bond to guarantee the criminal suspect, A system in which the accused does not evade or obstruct criminal proceedings. As one of the ways of obtaining bail guarantee, guarantor guarantee plays an important role in restricting public power, protecting the human rights of criminal suspects and defendants, and realizing the economy of litigation. However, there are many problems in the guarantor guarantee in our country, which leads to its failure to play its due role. The purpose of this paper is to find out the existing problems, to analyze the causes of these problems, and to combine the situation of our country with the successful experience of foreign countries. Put forward the concrete idea of perfecting the way of surety guarantee in our country. This paper is divided into four main parts: The first part is the discovery of problems. In order to avoid one-sidedness and combine the situation of other regions of our country, this paper puts forward the problems of guarantor's guarantee in judicial practice by analyzing the investigation data of the guarantor's guarantee in G city, in order to avoid one-sidedness. Specifically reflected in the following aspects: first, the overall application ratio is not high; second, the guarantor guarantee application ratio is low; third, the phenomenon of evading the guarantee is more frequent; fourth, the guarantor's responsibility is difficult to investigate. These problems affect the concrete application of guarantor's guarantee mode and make it unable to play its proper system function. The second part is the analysis of the causes of the above-mentioned problems. The problem of guarantor's guarantee in practice is the combination of various reasons. In general, there are inherent restraints in the concept of law enforcement in the judicial organs, as well as defects in the existing laws and the influence of foreign personnel on a certain proportion of the personnel involved. There is also a lack of a complete regulatory system and a more complete social integrity mechanism for obtaining bail pending trial. The third part analyzes the necessity of perfecting the guarantee of the guarantor on bail in our country. In order to perfect a certain system, it is necessary to make clear the necessity and the value basis of the system. The author believes that the value basis of this system is mainly reflected in the following aspects: first, the embodiment of respecting citizens' personal liberty rights; second, the important measures to restrict the abuse of public power; and third, it is conducive to the realization of litigation economy. The fourth part is perfect measure. On the basis of using the mature legislation and practical experience of the extraterritorial guarantor system for reference, the author makes use of the comparative research method to change the idea, perfect the legislation, and set up the supervision mechanism. Four aspects of strengthening the sense of good faith put forward the concrete measures to improve the guarantee of the guarantor on bail waiting for trial in our country, in the hope that this system can play a full role in this system.


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