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发布时间:2018-05-22 20:11

  本文选题:行政诉讼法 + 修改 ; 参考:《行政法学研究》2016年02期

[Abstract]:In 2014-2015, the reform of China's administrative litigation system revolved closely around the center of the revision and implementation of the Administrative Litigation Law. The discussion on the eve of the revision of the law reached its highest peak in recent years. In the great discussion, consensus was reached on the adjustment of expectations, which contributed to the rapid evolution of the amendment. Although the final result is still minor and disappointing, some distinctive systems are expected. Months after the amendments were implemented, the number of administrative cases rose sharply thanks to the registration system, but the appearance of chief executives in court still needed to be further improved. In addition to the text revision, the cross-administrative court reform is in full swing, but it is too early to form the model, and the prospect of the reform of judicial classification management is not clear. In a word, the reform of administrative litigation system needs more effort and wisdom.
【作者单位】: 中国政法大学法学院;


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