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发布时间:2018-05-24 07:17

  本文选题:仲裁案外人 + 权利救济 ; 参考:《贵州大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:According to the principle of relativity of validity, the validity of arbitration award in disputes of legal relations between others will not have binding force on the outsiders of the case, nor will it have adverse effects on the outsiders of the case. However, since the validity of the award to the world or the malicious collusion of the parties to infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of the outsiders in the arbitration case, it is necessary to set up a special relief mechanism for the rights and interests of the outsiders in the arbitration case, that is, the relief system of the rights and interests of the outsiders in the arbitration case. Its contents include the action of annulment of arbitration award by the litigant and the objection of the foreign party in the execution of the arbitration award. Some remedial measures can be taken under the current legal framework of our country when the wrong adjudication appears, but when it comes to the rights of the outsiders in the relief case, these measures play a very small role. From the legal point of view, the principle of procedural justice requires the right of relief to arbitration cases. Moreover, the relief to outsiders in arbitration cases is only a kind of ex post relief procedure, and the outsiders have not actually joined in the ongoing arbitration proceedings, thus preserving the contractual characteristics of arbitration and not weakening the unique agreement of arbitration. The advantage of secrecy, quickness, etc. Foreign countries or regions have mature legislative cases to remedy the rights of outsiders in arbitration cases. This paper mainly introduces the objection of the outsider to cancel the arbitration award in France, the system of invalidation of the arbitration award in Macao, and the system of litigation by the foreign party in Japan, Germany and South Korea. The purpose of introducing these systems is to provide reference and reference for the establishment of a perfect remedy system for the rights of outsiders in arbitration cases in our country. This paper discusses the appeal system of annulment of arbitration award and the objection system of the foreign party in the execution of the arbitration award, and discusses how to make reasonable system arrangement to make the two parties give full play to their respective functions and realize the organic cooperation. To protect the legitimate rights and interests of outsiders in arbitration cases at different stages.


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