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发布时间:2018-05-25 06:53

  本文选题:法的可诉性 + 法的可诉性缺失 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:可诉性在法学理论中作为独立的法学概念,它涵盖了纠纷可诉性和法律可诉性两个方面。因可诉性性质长期的错误定位和缺乏重要性的认识不足导致可诉性问题难以作为单独的研究对象进行深入的研究,所以对这个问题的研究停滞了很长时间。可诉性的概念,内涵以及法律地位都没有形成系统的研究,这对化解社会纠纷、解决社会冲突始终是一个瓶颈。目前,我们国家学术界对法律可诉性的研究还没有形成完整的理论体系,但是达成基本一致的观点是法的可诉性是现代法律的基本属性之一。法律规范是调整社会关系的重要工具,法律的权威性跟法律的适用息息相关。假如法律不能适用、不能执行,那么法律无异予一纸空文。如果说法律规范本身是可诉的,一般情况下由法律调整的社会关系中出现的纠纷也是可诉的。当然也存在例外,当出现法律规范调整的纠纷出现未能符合成熟性和未决性标准或者该纠纷具有政治性的性质而不具有可诉性。因此法律规范的可诉性总是优先于纠纷的可诉性即没有法律规范的可诉性也就不存在社会纠纷的可诉性。法律是有缺陷和不足的,法律可诉性的缺陷会导致司法在国家法律体系中的功能下降;同样会使法律判断偏离司法轨道;也会使国家的司法公信力下降最终影响司法独立。因此,从我国基本国情出发,分析我国法律可诉性缺陷的表现,深入探究造成法律可诉性缺陷的原因。找到解决法律可诉性问题,建立完备的法律可诉体系,是我国法治建设和司法改革过程中急需解决的问题。 文章主体部分三万余字,分为四部分进行论述: 前言部分首先阐述法的可诉性缺失将导致的不利后果,分别从司法权功能、法律公信力、公民权利义务和国家机关职权职责上等四个方面论述不利影响。其次,分析了研究法的可诉性的现代法学价值。确定本文的研究价值。最后通过分析文献,了解法的可诉性的研究现状和研究水平,从而给本文确定明确的研究方向以及研究方法。 第一章是可诉性的问题的理论基础,该部分以可诉性的词源分析着手分析给出可诉性是一个具有两个层面和两个维度的内涵丰富的概念,对比各学者对法的可诉性的概念的分析研究给法律可诉性的下定义。再通过四个方面阐述法的可诉性的内涵。 第二章分析我国当前法的可诉性缺陷的危害表现。首先从我国的根本大法宪法开始论述,该部分分析了宪法规范本身和司法实践援用宪法条文的判案的难点,盘点宪法规范中存在大量法律的可诉性缺陷的产生的危害现象。其次,同样属于公法领域的行政法因为立法存在不足以及受到当前司法体制、政治体制等因素的约束而导致的行政权力过大,公民权利领域偏小的原因使得法律可诉性缺陷最终产生危害后果。从私法的角度来看,论述民法领域和经济法领域研究法的可诉性缺陷的危害表现。 第三章法律的可诉性缺失的原因分析。首先从法的自身局限性出发来分析法的可诉性的缺陷的根源,最后从权利规范模糊、政治合法性因素,权利人诉讼能力以及司法机关意愿等四个方面着重分析司法能力。找出影响法的可诉性缺陷的现实原因。 第四章主要谈及解决法的可诉性问题的主要途径。这个部分主要是针对第三章阐述的法的可诉性的具体原因提出具体对策和措施。如明确立法思想、完善立法理念、提升立法技术等方法改善我国法的可诉性缺陷现状。 第五章结语部分对法的可诉性问题的重要性做强调,展望可诉性问题的发展趋势,并且提出此次论文创作中发现的重点难点问题以及不足。
[Abstract]:The legal norm is one of the basic attributes of modern law . The legal norm is one of the basic attributes of modern law .
It would also make the legal judgement deviate from the judicial track ;
Therefore , starting from the basic national conditions of our country , the author analyzes the manifestation of the defects of the legal indictability of our country and deeply probes into the causes of the defects of the legal indictability . We find out the problem of solving the legal indictable and establish a perfect legal system , which is the urgent problem in the construction of the rule of law in our country and the reform of the judicial reform .

The main part of the article is three thousand words , divided into four parts to discuss :

In the preface , the author expounds the negative effects of the lack of indictability of the law , and discusses the negative influence from four aspects , such as the function of the judicial power , the credibility of the law , the citizen ' s rights and duties and the functions and functions of the State organ .

The first chapter is the theoretical foundation of the question of indictability . This part begins with the analysis of indictable etymology . It is a concept which has two dimensions and two dimensions , and compares the author ' s analysis of the concept of the indictable nature of the law to the lower definition of the legal indictability . Then the connotation of the indictability of the law is expounded through four aspects .

The second chapter analyzes the harm of the indictable defects of the current law in our country . First , it discusses the difficulties in the case of the constitution norm itself and the judicial practice , analyzes the harm caused by the indictable defects in the constitution norm itself and the judicial practice . Secondly , it also belongs to the administrative law in the public law field because of the lack of legislation and the current judicial system , the political system and other factors .

In the third chapter , the author analyzes the causes of the lack of the indictability of the law . First , from the limitation of the law itself , the author focuses on the analysis of the judicial capacity in four aspects , such as the ambiguity of the rights norms , the factors of political legitimacy , the ability of the right person and the will of the judiciary , and finds out the realistic reasons of the indictable defects of the law .

The fourth chapter mainly deals with the main ways to solve the problem of indictability of the law . This part is mainly aiming at the specific causes of the indictability of the law set forth in Chapter III , and puts forward specific countermeasures and measures , such as clear legislative thought , perfect the legislative idea , and improve the legislative technology and so on .

The fifth chapter emphasizes the importance of the question of the indictable nature of the law , looks forward to the development trend of the question of indictability , and puts forward the difficulties and shortcomings of the key points found in the thesis .


相关期刊论文 前9条

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