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发布时间:2018-05-26 18:30

  本文选题:刑事被害人 + 诉讼启动权 ; 参考:《中国海洋大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As the direct victims of the consequences of crime, criminal victims often bear enormous material, physical and psychological pain, their circumstances deserve the sympathy of the public. Criminal victims have the same will to bring the perpetrators to justice, conviction and sentencing, and restore public order after they have been victimized by a crime. On the other hand, they hope to be respected by the judicial process. Material compensation and spiritual comfort. But for a long time, the victim was only the "forgotten person" in the judicial process, only "a witness", "the next person". The victim's position in the criminal procedure is not high, the function is also very limited. Criminal law is essentially shaped as a battle between the prosecutor and the accused. Since the 1960s, with the rise and development of the international human rights protection movement, strengthening the protection of the rights of criminal victims has become an important aspect of the judicial system reform in the world. For a long time, the judicial practice and system of the victim as only a witness began to change, and the victim gradually possessed the right to start the lawsuit, to obtain the lawsuit information, to participate in the trial and sentencing and even to execute the sentence. Strengthening the protection of the rights of the victims and the accused is a reasonable and appropriate balance, which has become the general development trend of the criminal procedure legislation in various countries. Restricted by the traditional criminal justice concept which only pays attention to the public power exercise and the protection of the rights of the criminal defendants. The formulation and revision of our country's criminal procedure law is always swinging in the antagonistic distribution of the power and rights of the state and the defendant. The criminal victim is often reduced to the national judicial organ to pursue the criminal crime, its main body status has not been reflected and obtains the due care, "the second injury" occurs from time to time. The thesis is divided into three parts: the first part is an overview of the current situation of the protection of the rights of victims in our country, and points out the five deficiencies of the criminal procedure law in the field of protection of the rights of victims, that is, the victim's ability to start the proceedings is weak, and the right to know is poor. Lack of influence in the trial stage, absence of the right to participate in the execution stage and narrow scope of obtaining compensation. The second part introduces the relevant successful experiences of the United States, France, Germany and other countries from the five aspects of the criminal procedure law of our country in the field of victim protection. The third part, according to the actual situation of our country, draw lessons from the relevant successful experience of foreign countries, put forward some suggestions and views to improve the protection of the rights of criminal victims in our country, such as strengthening the procuratorate, The supervisory role of the court in the process of starting; expanding the scope of the victim's knowledge; expanding the content of the victim's statement; increasing the victim's right to participate in the implementation of the right to participate and to meet the victim's request for compensation for mental damage, and so on. In order to discuss conveniently, the criminal victim in this article mainly refers to the natural person victim in the public prosecution case.


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