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发布时间:2018-05-27 10:37

  本文选题:庭审中心 + 审前准备程序 ; 参考:《中国法学》2017年06期

[Abstract]:From 1982 civil procedure law to 2012 civil procedure law, the reform of the pretrial preparation procedure in our country has experienced the weakening of efficiency in the name of justice, although the appearance of the reform has gradually appeared to be independent. But the contradiction between justice and efficiency results in the loss of function. It is necessary to reconstruct the pretrial preparation procedure of our country in order to enrich the actual needs of the trial. From the point of view of trial center theory, our country should construct the Japanese pretrial preparation procedure, rather than the current two-stage separate pretrial preparation procedure. Therefore, to perfect the core content of the pretrial preparation procedure in China is not to reset the relationship between the judge and the party in the present understanding, and to give the parties the right to decide the point of contention and limit the jurisdiction of the judge. Instead, we should follow the principle of regulation advocated by the parties, organize it with rational evaluation as the guide, limit the limitation, deepen and confirm the dispute focus of both parties. In this way, the trial can efficiently carry out centralized evidence investigation to discover the truth.
【作者单位】: 西南政法大学;


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