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发布时间:2018-05-27 21:46

  本文选题:刑事简易程序 + 被告人 ; 参考:《甘肃政法学院》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Criminal summary procedure refers to a relatively simplified procedure in cases of defendants pleading guilty under the jurisdiction of basic courts in our country. Although the criminal procedure law revised in 2012 has perfected the framework of summary procedure, However, not enough attention has been paid to the protection of the defendant's rights. This paper uses cases to run through the full text, and constructs the framework of the article with the ideas of "raising questions", "analyzing problems" and "solving problems", and emphatically analyzes the protection of defendants' rights in criminal summary procedures in our country. The first chapter briefly introduces "Li Weiqing, Li Zhongwei's Fraud case", and puts forward some questions from three aspects of the defendant's right to know, the right to choose procedure, and the right of defense on the basis of this case, in order to discuss the theme of this article more clearly. The second chapter analyzes the problems raised in the previous chapter and extends them while paying close attention to them, and deeply analyzes the shortcomings of the protection of the defendants' rights in the criminal summary procedure in our country. This chapter analyzes and discusses the defendant's right to know, the choice of procedure and the right of defense. The author also points out that the rights of the accused in the summary procedure are characterized by the mere formality of the right of knowing, the lack of the right to choose the procedure and the weakening of the right of defense, and further analyzes the reasons behind these phenomena. Among them, the right to know is analyzed from the two aspects of knowledge of charge and knowledge of evidence; the right of choice of procedure is analyzed from two aspects of procedure initiation and procedure change; the part of the right of defense is based on self-defense and entrustment of defence. This paper analyzes the reasons why it is difficult for the accused in summary procedure to get effective defense in three aspects of appointed defense. The third chapter thinks about the problems raised in the previous chapter, draws lessons from the systems of other countries and puts forward some suggestions. Specific include: in the aspect of the protection of the right to know, we should regulate the provisions of the court to change the charges on its own, set up the system of showing the evidence before the trial, and make the penalty discount clear, and give the defendant the right to choose the application for the procedure. To ensure that the defendant has the initiative in the choice of procedure, and to apply the system of duty lawyer to the summary procedure, to perfect the defendant's right of defense, to expand the scope of assigned defense, and to ensure that every accused in summary procedure can get help from counsel as far as possible. On the premise of retaining the characteristics of summary procedure, this paper provides ideas for solving the problem of the protection of the rights of the defendants of summary procedure in our country at present, in order to arouse more attention and thinking.


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