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发布时间:2018-05-28 00:39

  本文选题:技术侦查证据 + 证据能力 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:技术侦查措施是一把双刃剑,,既有利于侦破高科技、智能化和隐蔽性较强的刑事案件,也容易侵犯公民个人隐私和公共利益。技术侦查措施以其隐蔽、高效等优点,在应对日新月异的犯罪形式中起到无可替代的作用,被广泛应用于各类重大案件侦破中,技术侦查证据在指证犯罪中也起着至关重要的作用。但是,长期以来我国法律体系中并没有对技术侦查措施作出具体规定,导致技术侦查措施虽然在侦查实践中被广泛使用,但通过技术侦查措施获得的材料能否在刑事诉讼过程中作为证据使用存在较大的争议。 2010年6月出台的《关于办理死刑案件审查判断证据若干问题的规定》第35条,以及2012年3月通过的《刑事诉讼法》(修正案)均原则性地肯定技术侦查证据的证据能力,但对其使用方法、范围以及非法证据排除等规则并无具体规定。因此在司法实践中,通过技术侦查措施获得的证据材料将仍然无法在庭审中直接作为证据使用。解决其证据能力的普遍做法是,将技术侦查获得的证据材料“转化”为法定的证据类型后,才能用作定罪量刑的依据。但这种“转化”的方式本身存在很多问题,因此解决我国技术侦查证据的证据能力问题对司法实践具有极其深远的意义。 本文将立足于司法实践,通过对技术侦查证据证据能力的研究,探索解决技术侦查证据在司法实践中遇到的问题。笔者认为,在立法明确规定技术侦查证据具有证据能力的前提下,解决技术侦查证据证据能力的关键是建立符合我国国情的证据能力认定规则,以此规范侦查机关的技术侦查行为,保护犯罪嫌疑人或被告的合法权益,促使技术侦查证据在指控犯罪中更好地发挥作用。
[Abstract]:The measure of technical investigation is a double-edged sword, which is not only conducive to the detection of high-tech, intelligent and hidden criminal cases, but also easy to encroach on citizens' personal privacy and public interests. Technical investigation measures, with their advantages of concealment and high efficiency, play an irreplaceable role in dealing with the ever-changing forms of crime, and are widely used in the detection of various major cases. Technical investigation evidence also plays a vital role in the identification of crimes. However, the technical investigation measures have not been specified in our country's legal system for a long time, which has resulted in the technical investigation measures being widely used in the investigation practice. However, whether the materials obtained through technical investigation measures can be used as evidence in criminal proceedings is controversial. Article 35 of the provisions on the examination and judgment of evidence in death penalty cases, introduced in June 2010, and the Criminal procedure Code (Amendment), adopted in March 2012, all affirm in principle the evidentiary capacity of technical investigation evidence, However, there is no specific regulation on its use method, scope and exclusion of illegal evidence. Therefore, in judicial practice, evidence materials obtained through technical investigation measures will still not be directly used as evidence in court. The general practice to solve its evidentiary ability is to "transform" the evidence material obtained by technical investigation into a legal type of evidence before it can be used as the basis for conviction and sentencing. However, there are many problems in this way of "transformation", so it is of great significance for judicial practice to solve the problem of evidence capacity of technical investigation evidence in our country. This article will be based on the judicial practice, through the research of the technical investigation evidence ability, to explore and solve the technical investigation evidence in the judicial practice encountered problems. In the author's opinion, the key to solve the problem of technical investigation evidence ability is to establish the rules of evidence capacity identification in accordance with the national conditions of our country, on the premise of legislating clearly that the technical investigation evidence has the evidence ability. In order to standardize the technical investigation behavior of investigative organs, protect the legitimate rights and interests of suspects or defendants, and promote the evidence of technical investigation to play a better role in the charge of crimes.


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