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发布时间:2018-05-27 23:12

  本文选题:民事审判公开 + 传媒报道 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:在新时期的我国,随着经济体制的市场化转型和经济建设的高速进行,我国社会发生了巨大的变化。传媒作为一个产业得到了很大的发展,而发达的传媒报道又因其对民事案件的兴趣而对民事案件的审判分外关注;而一方面社会公众的法治意识由于我国新时期法治建设的进步而得到了提升从而使得社会公众对司法制度和司法活动产生了更迫切的了解需求,另一方面也因为实践中司法制度存在的诸多问题而使得社会公众并不能对司法活动和司法制度满意,两方面的互相作用造成了司法公信力缺失的现实。因此作为展现司法制度重要窗口以及社会公众了解司法制度重要途径的民事审判公开制度在新时期下与传媒报道民事案件活动和司法公信力缺失的现实都存在重要联系,明晰民事审判公开制度与两者的关系并以此对民事审判公开制度进行完善是非常有必要的,这也是本文探讨的目的和重点。 本文分为四个章节,各个章节的基本内容如下: 第一章节首先从民事审判公开制度的概念、案件范围、诉讼阶段、特征及功能等方面对民事审判公开制度进行介绍和界定,然后对本文探讨意义下的新时期及其特征进行了界定和论述,最后从总体上对我国民事审判公开制度存在问题的根源进行了剖析。综合而言,本章为本文探讨内容的深入作了铺垫。 第二章通过对传统时期和新时期传媒报道对民事案件不同关注度的对比展现了新时期下传媒报道民事案件的热度,进而详细论述了新时期下传媒报道对民事审判公开制度的正面影响和负面影响。 第三章首先通过对比传统时期论证了新时期下司法公信力与民事审判公开制度之间紧密关系,进而探讨新时期下“审判分离”现象的存在和民事审判公开制度具体制度的问题对司法公信力缺失的重要影响。 第四章针对前文提出的问题,致力于对新时期下的民事审判公开制度予以完善。首先在整体上明确了民事审判公开制度存在问题的解决之道,其次对传媒报道如何合理监督民事审判公开制度进行了规范化设计,最后通过改革“庭审分离”现象和完善民事审判公开具体制度来提升司法公信力。以通过上述措施达成新时期下民事审判公开制度完善之目的。
[Abstract]:In our country in the new period , with the market transformation of the economic system and the high speed of the economic construction , the society of our country has undergone tremendous changes . The media has been greatly developed as a industry , and the developed media reports pay close attention to the trial of civil cases because of their interest in civil cases ;
On the one hand , the consciousness of the rule of law of the public public has been promoted because of the progress of the construction of the rule of law in the new period of our country , so that the social public can not be satisfied with the judicial system and the judicial system .

This article is divided into four chapters , the basic contents of each chapter are as follows :

The first chapter introduces and defines the civil trial public system from the aspects of the concept , the scope of the case , the stage , the features and functions of the civil trial , then defines and discusses the new period and its characteristics under the meaning of this article . At last , it analyzes the root causes of the problems in the public system of the civil trial in China .

In the second chapter , through the comparison between the traditional period and the new period , the media reports on the different levels of the civil cases show the heat of the civil cases in the new period , and then the positive influence and negative influence of the media coverage on the public system of the civil trial under the new period are discussed in detail .

In the third chapter , the author demonstrates the close relationship between the judicial credibility and the civil trial public system in the new period , and then probes into the existence of " trial separation " in the new period and the important influence of the specific system of the public system of the civil trial on the lack of judicial credibility .

The fourth chapter aims at improving the public system of the civil trial under the new era , aiming at the problems raised in the preceding article . First , the solution of the problems of the civil trial public system is clearly defined in the whole . Secondly , the paper discusses how to rationally supervise the civil trial public system and improve the judicial credibility by reforming the " court trial separation " phenomenon and perfecting the specific system of the civil trial .


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