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发布时间:2018-05-29 01:35

  本文选题:轻微刑事案件 + 速裁程序 ; 参考:《甘肃政法学院》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of our economy and the continuous transformation of society, the crime rate of our country has been stable and high and has a trend of increasing year by year. In particular, pickpocketing, drunk driving and other illegal acts of punishment, exacerbated the conflict between more and less cases. On the one hand, the power of handling cases by the three organs of the Public Security Bureau, the Procuratorate and the Court has increased slowly, while the number of minor criminal cases has increased rapidly. On the other hand, the new Criminal procedure Law has made the operation of the proceedings more standardized and rigorous, and it is difficult to simultaneously have justice and efficiency. But our country's current lawsuit procedure case complex diversion is not obvious. In this regard, under the authorization of the standing Committee of the National people's Congress (NPC standing Committee), the Supreme people's Congress (Supreme Law, Supreme Procuratorate) carried out the pilot work of the expedited adjudication procedure in 18 cities across the country. Then the two ministries jointly promulgate "the method of developing the trial work of the criminal case quick adjudication procedure in some regions" (hereinafter called "the method >), the criminal quick adjudication procedure arises at the historic moment." Two years after the process was piloted, in November 2016, The two high and third ministries jointly promulgated the measures on the pilot work on the system of lenient admission and punishment in criminal cases in some regions (hereinafter referred to as the "pilot measures"), and continued to carry out the expedited adjudication procedure on the basis of the original pilot. March 2017, The Fifth session of the Twelfth National people's Congress was held at which the two high levels proposed to actively promote the reform of criminal adjudication procedures, to realize the division of cases and to further improve the efficiency of litigation. This article uses the empirical analysis, the theoretical research method to analyze our country is in the pilot criminal quick adjudication procedure, altogether includes four parts. In the first part, the criminal quick adjudication procedure is introduced from typical cases, and the positive role and existing problems of the criminal adjudication procedure under the current judicial system of our country are analyzed through the cases. The second part discusses the similarities and differences between the criminal summary procedure and the criminal summary procedure, and proves that the criminal quick adjudication procedure is a new type of litigation procedure different from the criminal summary procedure. In the third part, by investigating the different types of criminal quick adjudication procedures in civil law countries and common law countries, the author establishes the criminal quick adjudication procedure in accordance with the national conditions of our country on the basis of comparing and analyzing the beneficial experiences of various countries. The fourth part through enumerates the practice situation of some pilot cities, analyzes and introduces the practice characteristics of each city, on the basis of this, puts forward some concrete ideas to construct our country's criminal quick adjudication procedure.


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