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发布时间:2018-05-29 01:09

  本文选题:律师执业权利 + 杭州模式 ; 参考:《人民检察》2016年22期

[Abstract]:With the implementation of the law of criminal procedure on the protection of lawyers' right to practice, the relationship between prosecution and law has developed to a new stage. Not long ago, a seminar organized by the procuratorial daily newspaper and the Zhejiang Provincial Procuratorate jointly organized by the Hangzhou Municipal Procuratorate on "Building a New Type of Law Inspection relationship" was held in Hangzhou City, from the procuratorial system. More than 150 participants from the legal and theoretical circles, focusing on "protecting lawyers' right to practice according to law", "innovating and perfecting the mechanism of communication and connection between procurators and laws", "Hangzhou model of the relationship between procurators and laws", "constructing equal treatment together," Benign and interactive relationship between prosecutors and law, "and other issues to launch a wide range of in-depth discussion." 1. Renewal of the concept and deepening of understanding of the relationship between procuratorate and law


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