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发布时间:2018-05-29 02:25

  本文选题:合适成年人 + 未成年人权益保护 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:一般认为,在2012年《刑事诉讼法》修改之前,合适成年人参与制度在我国的刑事法律法规中就已有反映,但是概念不够明确,法律规定不够具体,且不同法律法规的规定之间又存在冲突和矛盾,实践中难以操作。因此,尽管合适成年人参与制度在司法实践中试点已久,但其发展相对缓慢。2012年《刑事诉讼法》新修改,其中第270条对合适成年人参与未成年人刑事诉讼作出了更为明确和具体的规定。为有效对接新《刑事诉讼法》,合适成年人参与制度在全国各地相继推行。本文以重庆市Y区的合适成年人参与制度为研究对象,立足于其发展现状,分析新的立法背景下合适成年人参与制度的发展已经以及可能遇到的问题,并相应提出完善建议。 本文共分为三个部分: 第一部分是对重庆市Y区合适成年人参与制度推行背景及现状的介绍。在制度推行背景上,Y区存在外来学生和“留守儿童”较多、时有涉嫌犯罪的情况,司法实践中对合适成年人有较为迫切的需求。在合适成年人参与的模式上,Y区选择的是救济模式和狭义的全程参与模式。Y区的制度创新体现在对合适成年人参与的范围及阶段既有限缩又有扩张、合适成年人与办案人员之间由单向监督向双向监督转变、合适成年人进入监管场所由私下协调向规范化发展等内容。对于制度的推行实效,Y区合适成年人参与制度的推行为法定代理人的缺位提供了有力救济,有效地维护了刑事案件中未成年人的合法权益。 第二部分是对重庆市Y区合适成年人参与制度存在的问题及其成因的分析。其存在的问题主要是对合适成年人的角色定位模糊、对于涉罪未成年人权利的保障仍然还不够、合适成年人存在数量不足与“分布不均”的问题、某些合适成年人的履职效果还不够理想、部分办案人员未严格按规操作等。导致上述问题出现的原因包括对合适成年人角色理解的偏差、合适成年人的选聘方式存在问题、合适成年人履职的保障和监管机制尚不完善、办案人员办理未成年人刑事案件不够专业、办案人员违规操作无不利后果的约束等。 第三部分是根据第二部分的分析所作出的完善建议,包括明确合适成年人的角色定位和制度设立的根本目的,强化对涉罪未成年人的权利保障、对涉罪未成年人的权利救济作出规定,改革选任合适成年人的方式、保证合适成年人队伍的数量与质量,完善合适成年人履职的保障和监管机制,,对办案人员进行培训和约束等。
[Abstract]:It is generally believed that prior to the revision of the Criminal procedure Law in 2012, the system of participation of suitable adults had been reflected in the criminal laws and regulations of our country, but the concept was not clear enough and the legal provisions were not specific enough. And there are conflicts and contradictions between different laws and regulations, which is difficult to operate in practice. Thus, although the system of appropriate adult participation has been piloted in judicial practice for a long time, its development has been relatively slow. New amendments to the 2012 Code of Criminal procedure, Article 270 provides for the participation of suitable adults in juvenile criminal proceedings more clearly and specifically. In order to effectively connect with the new Criminal procedure Law, appropriate adult participation system has been implemented throughout the country. This article takes the suitable adult participation system in the Y district of Chongqing as the research object, based on its development situation, analyzes the problems that the suitable adult participation system has developed and may encounter under the new legislative background, and puts forward corresponding consummation suggestions. This paper is divided into three parts: The first part introduces the background and present situation of appropriate adult participation system in Y District of Chongqing. In the background of the implementation of the system, there are more foreign students and "left-behind children" in the Y area, and there are cases of suspected crimes from time to time. Therefore, there is an urgent need for suitable adults in judicial practice. In the mode of suitable adult participation, the system innovation of area Y and the mode of relief and narrow range participation are reflected in the limitation and expansion of the scope and stage of the participation of suitable adults. The change from one-way supervision to two-way supervision between suitable adults and case handlers, and the transition of suitable adults into supervision places from private coordination to standardized development. The implementation of appropriate adult participation system in area Y provides effective relief for the absence of legal agents and effectively protects the legitimate rights and interests of minors in criminal cases. The second part is the analysis of the problems and causes of the appropriate adult participation system in Y District of Chongqing. The main problem is that the role of the appropriate adult is vague, the protection of the rights of the minor involved in the crime is still insufficient, the number of suitable adults is insufficient and the problem of "uneven distribution" exists. Some suitable adult performance effect is not ideal, some case handling personnel are not strictly in accordance with the rules and so on. The causes of the above problems include the deviation of the understanding of the role of the suitable adults, the problems in the selection and employment of the suitable adults, and the imperfect protection and supervision mechanism for the proper adults to carry out their duties. The handling of juvenile criminal cases is not professional enough, and there are no adverse consequences. The third part is based on the analysis of the second part of the perfect recommendations, including clear the role of suitable adults and the fundamental purpose of the establishment of the system, strengthen the rights of minors involved in crime protection. To provide for the relief of the rights of minors involved in crimes, to reform the way of selecting suitable adults, to ensure the quantity and quality of the right adults, and to perfect the guarantee and supervision mechanism for the proper adults to carry out their duties. Train and restrain the case handling personnel.


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