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发布时间:2018-05-29 20:39

  本文选题:指定居所监视居住 + 法律监督 ; 参考:《江西理工大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:"respecting and protecting human rights" is an important principle established by the Constitution of our country. It is written into the Criminal procedure Law of 2012 and is an important mileage card in the construction of our country's legal system. However, the article 73 of the Code of Criminal procedure concerning "designated residence monitoring residence" has aroused controversy from all walks of life. The legislative intent of the legislator is to draw a line between the designated residence surveillance residence and the period between bail and detention, arrest, etc. And play its role in reducing custody. In judicial practice, however, due to the lack of effective legal supervision over the designated residence and residence, it is gradually reduced to a "custodial" coercive measure. Thus, in individual cases, the "human rights" of the residents under surveillance have been seriously violated. To be sure, there is the ambiguity of its own legal provisions, but more importantly, its legal oversight mechanism is imperfect. Therefore, this paper will focus on the nature, application, connotation of legal supervision mechanism, the value of legal supervision mechanism, the problems and causes of legal supervision mechanism around the designated residence. To explore how to perfect the legal supervision mechanism of our country's designated residence monitoring residence, so as to achieve the purpose of criminal prosecution to combat crime and protect human rights, and finally to implement the constitutional principle of "respecting and protecting human rights" in our country. This paper is divided into three parts: the first part is an overview of the legal supervision mechanism of designated residence monitoring residence, first of all, a summary of designated residence monitoring residence, clearly designated residence monitoring residence "custody;" The second part is an overview of the legal supervision mechanism of designated residence monitoring residence, which mainly involves the concept, content and value of the legal supervision mechanism. The second part is the practical analysis of the legal supervision mechanism of designated residence monitoring residence. This part mainly discusses the problems in the judicial practice of the legal supervision mechanism of designated residence surveillance in our country and the reasons for these problems. The third part discusses how to perfect the legal supervision mechanism of the designated residence surveillance residence in our country. This paper proposes that the application of designated residence surveillance should be regulated firstly, the judicial review mechanism of designated residence monitoring should be constructed, and the content of supervision mechanism should be further refined. Specific include: perfect designated residence to monitor the start-up, operation and security mechanism.


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