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发布时间:2018-05-30 07:00

  本文选题:检察建议 + 抗诉 ; 参考:《湘潭大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The civil procuratorial supervision system is a legal system with Chinese characteristics, which plays an important role in maintaining social order, realizing judicial justice and safeguarding human rights. It is of great significance to probe into the construction of civil procuratorial supervision time limit system in order to further improve the civil procuratorial supervision system in China. Constructing the system of procuratorial supervision time limit can not only urge the party concerned to apply for procuratorial supervision in time, but also urge the procuratorial organ to promptly initiate procuratorial supervision against the wrong judgment of the court within the prescribed time limit, so that the court can correct the wrong judgment in time. Finally, protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties and realize the fairness and justice of the procedure. In legislation, the provisions of the procuratorial supervision system are still rough, especially the absence of the civil procuratorial supervision time limit system, which makes the concrete function of the procuratorial supervision difficult to carry out. In academic circles, few scholars have carried on the thorough research on the civil procuratorial supervision time limit system, and the academic achievements in this field are few and far between. In practice, because the legislation does not have about the procuratorial supervision time limit stipulation, the litigant wantonly applies for the procuratorial supervision, the procuratorial organ abuses the supervisory power and so on the phenomenon is common. The lack of legislation, the negligence of the academic circles and the problems in judicial practice have proved that it is necessary to construct the civil procuratorial supervision time limit system in our country. In the future legislative process, the legislature can construct the civil procuratorial supervision time limit system according to the judicial practice experience, based on the balance of the rights and interests of the parties, judicial efficiency, social stability and other considerations. First of all, the time limit for the parties to apply for procuratorial supervision should be clearly defined, so as to prompt the parties to exercise their rights in a timely manner and to coordinate the legal provisions on the time limit for their retrial. Secondly, the time limit for procuratorial organs to supervise ex officio should be reasonably specified. Aiming at the different objects of supervision, such as not setting a time limit for procuratorial supervision on a mediation statement, setting a time limit for procuratorial supervision of a civil judgment, and setting a maximum time limit for the cause of a special retrial; finally, It is necessary to improve the supervision of judicial work by the NPC as soon as possible to make up for the deficiency of the system of procuratorial supervision.


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