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发布时间:2018-05-31 00:06

  本文选题:未决羁押 + 司法审查 ; 参考:《中国社会科学院研究生院》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:在西方法治发达国家,未决羁押制度的设置既有保障诉讼程序、制止犯罪、预防社会危险的功能,又有保障被羁押者基本人权的功能。而我国的未决羁押制度更多地关注了犯罪控制功能的实现,而忽视了对人权的保障,刑事追诉活动成功的代价也是相当沉重的。本文立足于我国未决羁押存在的实务问题,以《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》中关于未决羁押制度最低标准的规定为参照,以美国审前羁押制度为借鉴,对我国的审前羁押制度进行理论、立法、司法实践方面的分析,以期为我国未决羁押的控制提供思路和方法。文章分三个部分。 第一部分,我国未决羁押存在的问题。该部分通过对我国羁押制度的实务状况进行考察,认为我国未决羁押存在的问题主要有:羁押率居高不下,超期羁押屡禁不止,羁押场所内人身安全事故频发,,警察在侦查活动中的权力过大。 第二部分,产生问题的原因分析。笔者认为上文所提问题的产生有以下三个方面的原因:(1)在理论上:权力制约机制的异化;过度追求实体正义;以打击犯罪为主要诉讼目的。(2)在立法上:法律对羁押期限的规定不具确定性;对未决羁押的司法审查制度有所缺失,该制度的缺失是由一系列的立法缺陷引起的,法律对侦查与羁押的管辖主体不分。(3)在司法实践中:司法工作人员的程序法治观念淡薄;人口流动加快的社会背景下羁押替代措施实施难度加大;地方党委对司法工作的不当指导。 第三部分,对未决羁押进行控制。笔者主要从以下三个方面进行阐述:(1)在理论认识上:坚持分权制衡的原则;在诉讼过程中以程序正义为先导;以人权保障为至高原则。(2)在立法上:对美国审前羁押立法予以介绍并作为参照;重构我国的未决羁押制度,(3)在司法实践中:司法工作人员需树立程序法治观念;根据现实寻找扩大羁押替代措施适用范围的方法;规范地方党委对司法工作的指导。
[Abstract]:In the developed countries with the rule of law in the west, the system of pending detention has the functions of safeguarding the procedure, stopping the crime and preventing the social danger, as well as the function of protecting the basic human rights of the detainees. The pending detention system in our country pays more attention to the realization of crime control function and neglects the protection of human rights. The cost of successful criminal prosecution is quite heavy. Based on the practical problems existing in the pending detention in China, this paper makes reference to the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and political Rights on the minimum standard of the pending detention system, and uses the pretrial detention system of the United States as a reference. This paper analyzes the theory, legislation and judicial practice of pretrial detention system in China, in order to provide ideas and methods for the control of pending detention in our country. The article is divided into three parts. The first part is about the problems of pending detention in our country. Based on the investigation of the practice of detention system in our country, this part considers that the main problems of the pending detention in our country are: the high rate of detention, the repeated prohibition of extended detention, and the frequent accidents of personal safety in the detention place. The police have too much power in the investigation. The second part, cause analysis of the problem. The author thinks that there are three reasons for the above questions: the alienation of power restriction mechanism, the excessive pursuit of substantive justice, and the following three reasons: the dissimilation of power restriction mechanism, the excessive pursuit of substantive justice, and the following three reasons: 1. In legislation, the provisions of the law on the duration of detention are uncertain, the judicial review system of pending detention is missing, the absence of this system is caused by a series of legislative defects. In judicial practice, the concept of procedural rule of law of judicial staff is weak, the social background of population mobility is accelerating, and the implementation of alternative measures of detention is more difficult. Improper guidance of local party committees on judicial work. The third part is to control the pending custody. The author expatiates on the following three aspects: insisting on the principle of separation of powers and checks and balances, taking procedural justice as the forerunner in the process of litigation; Taking the human rights guarantee as the supreme principle, in legislation: introducing and referring to the American pretrial detention legislation; reconstructing the pending detention system in our country; in judicial practice: judicial staff need to establish the concept of procedural rule of law; According to the reality, the author looks for the method of enlarging the scope of application of the alternative measures of detention and standardizing the guidance of the local party committee to the judicial work.


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