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发布时间:2018-06-01 01:13

  本文选题:民事送达制度 + 诉讼 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:在民事诉讼法律中,程序正义是实体正义的前提,依法送达是程序正义的关键。没有送达,程序将无法运行,没有合法有效的送达,也将无法保证裁判结果的正确。民事送达制度是中华人民共和国的民事诉讼法律中的基本诉讼制度,也是在各级人民法院各项工作中的一项基础性的民事诉讼活动,民事诉讼法律文书的送达存在于人民法院进行的全部民事审判活动的始终,不但是全国各级人民法院审理各类民事案件的生命线,更是程序法与实体法相互联接的重要纽带。送达是各级人民法院与接受送达的当事人及其他诉讼参加人之间建立联系的途径之一;也是各级人民法院、当事人以及其他诉讼参与人之间得以形成交流互动的基础;送达不但具有重要而独特的程序价值,更是完成实体法任务的重要保障。早日建成合法、高效、人性化的我国民事诉讼送达制度,对于保障民事诉讼的公平、正义、效率具有重要的现实意义。 当前,我国各级人民法院审理案件的法官,在履行民事诉讼法律文书送达职责时,最主要的送达方式是直接送达给当事人及其他诉讼参加人,而辅助性的民事诉讼的送达方式是邮寄送达和公告送达,在今后的司法实践中,应当对此种情况不断进行相应的调整。随着市场经济的不断发展完善和社会文化生活水平的不断提高,我国的民事诉讼送达制度所体现出的不科学、不严谨、不高效、不合理的弊端日渐显现出来,这不但增加了人民法院民事审判工作的难度,而且严重影响了人民法院民事审判工作的质量和效率。如何科学的构建我国民事送达制度,来保证人民法院在诉讼中的实务操作严格按照公平、效率的价值追求去运作。笔者通过工作实践,阅读资料,了解实务案件,在立足于我国民商事法律的立法精神和学术理论研究的基础上,从司法实践与制度设计的角度,对我国民事送达制度所涉及的具体适用问题进行阐释。本文共分为四个部份: 第一部分,介绍我国民事送达制度的基本理论和制度设计,这部分内容分为四个方面。第一方面,介绍我国民事送达制度的涵义与特征;第二方面,介绍我国民事送达制度的类型与方式;第三方面,,介绍民事送达制度的价值体现,通过深入思考我国现行民事诉讼送达制度的科学性、合理性、效率性,来分析我国民事送达制度的基本理论,明确建立健全我国民事诉讼送达制度的重要价值所在,借以期待提高人们对我国民事送达制度的重视。 第二部分,对我国现行的民事诉讼送达制度的现状及存在的问题进行概述,这部分内容共分为四个主要方面。第一方面,阐述了现阶段我国民事诉讼送达制度的现状,简要介绍了我国民事诉讼送达制度的现状及缺陷;第二方面,介绍了我国民事送达制度在立法方面的问题,指出我国民事送达制度存在立法粗疏、规定不合理等问题;第三方面,介绍了我国民事送达制度在司法方面存在的问题,包括送达在司法中操作不规范,对留置送达与公告送达存在的问题进行剖析;第四个方面,介绍了我国民事送达制度在我国社会层面目前存在的主要问题,对在现实中呈现的我国民事诉讼送达难的原因进行了总结。 第三部分,把美国和英国的民事诉讼送达制度作为参考对象,在简要的分析了美国和英国的民事诉讼送达制度具体规定的基础上,概括了其他国家对于民事送达制度的一般性规定,以及我国民事送达制度能够借鉴国外民事送达制度的相关内容。 第四部分,详细阐述了建立健全我国民事送达制度的方法和途径,从应当转变我国民事送达制度的指导思想,规范和不断完善我国已有的民事诉讼送达方式,加快对我国现行的民事诉讼送达方式进行改革,加快发展和完善以信息化为依托构建新型民事诉讼送达方式,以及如何从源头上化解我国民事诉讼中的送达难等方面提出了一些个人的见解和建议。
[Abstract]:In the law of civil litigation, procedural justice is the premise of substantive justice, and delivery according to law is the key to procedural justice. Without delivery, the procedure will not run. Without legal and effective delivery, it will not guarantee the correct results of the referee. The civil service system is the basic litigation system in People's Republic of China's civil procedure law, and it is also in the case of the civil procedure law. A basic civil action in the various work of the people's courts at all levels, the delivery of the legal documents of civil litigation exists throughout the civil trial activities carried out by the people's court, not only the lifeline of the people's courts at all levels in the country to hear various civil cases, but also an important link between the connection of the law and the substantive law. It is one of the ways for the people's courts at all levels to establish contact with the parties and other litigants; it is also the basis for the people's courts at all levels, the parties and other litigants to form the basis of communication and interaction; the delivery is not only important but unique in the course of the process, but also the importance of the substantive law. The early completion of a legal, efficient and humanized civil procedure delivery system has important practical significance for the protection of the fairness, justice and efficiency of civil litigation.
At present, when the judges of the people's courts at all levels in our country are hearing the cases, the most important way of delivery is to send directly to the parties and other litigants, while the mode of delivery of the auxiliary civil action is mailing and announcements. In the future judicial practice, this kind of feeling should be given to this kind of feeling. With the continuous development and improvement of the market economy and the continuous improvement of the level of social and cultural life, the system of civil litigation delivery in China is unscientific, unrigorous, unefficient and unreasonable, which not only increases the difficulty of the civil trial of the people's court, but also is serious. It affects the quality and efficiency of the civil trial of the people's court. How to scientifically construct the civil service system in our country, to ensure that the practical operation of the people's court in the lawsuit is strictly in accordance with the fairness and the value of efficiency. On the basis of the study of legal spirit and academic theory, from the perspective of judicial practice and system design, this paper explains the specific application problems involved in the system of civil service in China. This paper is divided into four parts.
The first part introduces the basic theory and system design of our country's civil service system. This part is divided into four aspects. The first is to introduce the meaning and characteristics of our civil service system; second, introduce the types and ways of our civil service system; third sides, introduce the value of the system of civil service, through the depth of the system. To consider the scientific, rational and efficient system of the present civil procedure delivery system in our country, to analyze the basic theory of our civil service system and to establish and improve the important value of the system of civil service delivery in our country, in order to improve the people's attention to the civil service system of our country.
In the second part, the present situation and existing problems of the present civil procedure delivery system in China are summarized. This part is divided into four main aspects. On the one hand, the present situation of civil procedure delivery system in China is expounded, and the status and defects of the civil procedure delivery system in China are briefly introduced, and the second aspects are introduced. The civil service system of our country in the legislative aspects, point out that the system of civil service in our country has the problems of rough legislation and unreasonable regulations. In the third part, it introduces the problems existing in the judicial aspects of our civil service system, including the non standard operation in the administration of justice, and the analysis of the existing problems in the service of the lien delivery and the announcement. In the fourth aspect, the main problems existing in the social level of our country's civil service are introduced, and the reasons for the difficulties in the delivery of civil action in China are summarized.
In the third part, the civil procedure delivery system in the United States and the United Kingdom is taken as a reference. On the basis of a brief analysis of the specific provisions of the civil procedure delivery system in the United States and the United Kingdom, the general provisions of the civil service system in other countries are summarized, and the civil service system in China can be used for reference to the system of foreign civil service. Related content.
In the fourth part, the methods and ways to establish and improve the civil service system in China are elaborated in detail. We should change the guiding ideology of our civil service system, standardize and continuously improve our existing civil procedure delivery methods, speed up the reform of the current civil procedure delivery mode in our country, and accelerate the development and improvement of the information as the basis. I put forward some personal views and suggestions on how to build a new mode of delivery of civil litigation and how to resolve the difficulties in civil litigation in China from the source.


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