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发布时间:2018-06-01 03:12

  本文选题:腐败案件 + 污点证人 ; 参考:《湘潭大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, our country has always adopted a high-pressure attitude against corruption, which has not only dealt with a large number of "fly type" corruption offenders, but also investigated and dealt with a large number of influential "tiger type" corrupt officials. But the corruption crime is very special and complex, the judicial practice has therefore encountered many difficulties. In order to promote the smooth progress of the case, the judicial practitioners have continuously brought their intelligence into full play and creatively adopted some extra-legal measures to resolve the difficulties in the investigation of corruption crimes, including extorting confessions by torture. Borrowing from the discipline Inspection Commission double rules and other practices, there is also a way to seek the cooperation of tainted witnesses. The tainted witness plays an extremely important role in the serious and difficult corruption cases, but it can not be relied on for a long time. However, the academic circles have not paid enough attention to this problem. The existing research results mainly introduce and comment on the system and experience of foreign tainted witnesses, and lack of empirical research on the tainted witnesses of corruption cases in the judicial practice of our country. By summing up and analyzing the present situation of the tainted witness in our country's judicial practice, we can find that the tainted witness of the corruption case in our country presents the following four basic characteristics: first, the nature: most of them are important and difficult and complicated cases; second, Procedure: mostly in the stage of investigation or before filing; third, the main body: the multiple selection of accomplices or bribery offenders; fourth, disposition: more judicial "consideration". The tainted witness of corruption cases in our country can produce and develop continuously in the judicial practice, the fundamental reason is that it can alleviate the inherent contradiction of the criminal procedure law, the direct reason is that it can prove the crime, of course, it also depends on the legal space. The innovation of criminal procedure theory and the support of foreign experience. Anyone familiar with judicial practice knows that the use of tainted witnesses has the function of finding clues to corruption crimes, providing evidence of corruption crimes and disintegrating the psychological defense lines of the principal offenders. However, in judicial practice, tainted witnesses in corruption cases also have problems such as lack of law and lack of supervision. In order to balance the contradiction between the protection of human rights and the punishment of crime, the cost of fairness, justice and efficiency, the characteristics of corruption and the ability of investigation, it is necessary to construct a system of tainted witnesses in corruption cases. Moreover, it is feasible in theory, legislation and judicature to establish a system of tainted witness in corruption cases in our country. The system of tainted witness in corruption cases in our country, as a criminal procedure that directly affects the degree of realization of penalty right, has made a series of changes in the litigation status and rights and obligations of tainted witnesses, so the principle of proportionality must be adopted. The principle of judicial authorization and the principle of corroboration of evidence restrict it. At the same time, we must strictly control the scope of application, the type of exemption and the applicable procedure of the system of tainted witnesses in corruption cases in our country, so as to ensure that the system of tainted witnesses can operate within the scope of the rule of law.


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