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发布时间:2018-06-01 15:16

  本文选题:行政机关负责人 + 出庭应诉 ; 参考:《山西财经大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:It is an important topic in the Administrative procedure Law that the principal of the administrative organ appear in court. The revision and implementation of the new Administrative procedure Law in 2015 is the first time that the system of the chief executive of the administrative organ appearing in court is regulated in the form of legislation in our country. The perfection of the system of chief executives appearing in court can not only guarantee the judicial authority, but also promote the construction of the administration by law and the rule of law. The advanced experience of foreign countries provides beneficial guidance for the principal of administrative organs to appear in court. Among them, the administrative court law of Germany provides that in order to understand the facts and hear the case, the court has the power to ask the defendant to send an official or employee to appear in the case of administrative proceedings, and to punish him if he should be present but not present. Japan's characteristic procurator response system relies on procuratorial power to cooperate with and restrict administrative power in court proceedings. However, the present situation of the chief executives of administrative organs appearing in court in our country is not optimistic. Up to now, there is no unified regulation on the system of the chief executives of administrative organs appearing in court. At the same time, different local laws and regulations on the administrative organs appear in court provisions are also very different. After analyzing the current situation of the legislation and implementation of the principal of the administrative organ appearing in court, we can get the following question: 1: 1, the concept of the chief executive is not defined differently, the type of the case should be specified in court is not clear, and the specific requirements for appearing in court are not clear. No. 4. The reasons why the person in charge cannot appear in court are missing. The legal liability for failing to appear in court is vague. These are the legislative problems. For the implementation of the problems, including: 1, the overall court attendance rate is low and the regional differences are obvious 2, the administrative organ chief is difficult to appear in court, the executive power to the judicial power interference. On the basis of respecting the national conditions, our country should absorb the advanced experience of other countries and make up for the deficiency of the principal of the administrative organ appearing in court. In view of this, this article has provided the suggestion from the following several aspects: first, consummates the legislation. Make clear the main body of the chief administrative organ appearing in court, define the type of the case and the concrete requirement of appearing in court. In the absence of administrative organs in court, clear reasons and improve their accountability. Second, the implementation of the law concerning the appearance of responsible persons in court. In order to improve the jurisdiction of administrative litigation, the judicial power should be used to limit the administrative power, and at the same time, the court should be given the discretion to establish a mechanism for the court to adjudicate the case in court. Third, we should perfect the external safeguard mechanism for the chief of administrative organs to appear in court, strengthen their legal knowledge, and establish an open examination mechanism through training the heads of administrative organs. This paper uses text analysis method, comparative analysis method and case observation method to sort out and study the appearance of administrative officials in court. Under the background of the open and cooperative trial mode, the system of the principal of administrative organ appearing in court should become the means of protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the administrative counterpart. The purpose of the research on the system of the chief of administrative organs appearing in court is to satisfy the reasonable demands of the administrative counterpart, to solve the administrative disputes substantively and to optimize the administrative trial environment.


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