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发布时间:2018-06-02 00:09

  本文选题:诉讼外调解 + 司法确认 ; 参考:《甘肃政法学院》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:诉讼外调解司法确认制度是我国在探索推进社会管理体制创新过程中的一项新成果,也是贯彻诉调对接的一次新的尝试。此次司法改革最大的亮点便是诉讼外调解与诉讼制度效力的有效衔接,它赋予了非诉调解协议强制执行力,最大限度的增强其公信力。在广泛的争议声中该制度正式写入我国新《民事诉讼法》。 “和谐无讼,调处息争”在古今中外都是司法文化的最高境界,然而近些年来诉讼爆炸的现状经完全背离了我们的理想。分析其原因是多种多样的,一方面是经济发展的负面效应,另一方面,也是我们过分夸大了程序的作用,迷信诉讼。 本文对司法确认制度的背景、含义、性质等进行一般性分析,通过世界各国成熟的ADR理论实践相比较,探讨我国司法确认制度的不足与缺陷,结合我国目前的实践与现状提出完善意见。 文章第一章从我国司法确认制度的基础理论入手,探讨该制度的正当理论基础,并对该制度的性质进行分析。它的价值是无法估量的,减轻法院工作压力及当事人诉累的同时也稳定了整个社会的司法秩序和社会秩序。 第二章则是在调研与收集数据的基础上,概括司法确认制度目前在我国的运行现状,通过分析,得出该制度在我国运行中存在的理论上,立法上,实践上存在的诸多问题。 第三章通过对国内外相关制度的考察,介绍其先进的ADR理论和实践中的具体做法,与我国司法确认制度进行比较研究,得出对我国司法确认制度进行完善的启示。 第四章阐述对我国司法确认制度的完善建议。文章从理念和制度两个层面对司法确认制度提出了完善的建议。理念上,我们要将提高法律工作者和纠纷当事并重作为目标,切实提高此制度的被广大群众所知悉与信任。在制度上,一方面有针对性的应对我国目前司法确认针对的问题提出制度完善的建议,另一方面,借鉴国内外先进ADR中符合我国国情的制度对我国司法确认制度提出完善的建议。
[Abstract]:The judicial confirmation system of extra-litigation mediation is a new achievement in the process of exploring and promoting the innovation of social management system in our country, and it is also a new attempt to carry out the docking of litigation and regulation. The greatest highlight of this judicial reform is the effective connection between the mediation outside litigation and the effectiveness of litigation system, which endows the enforcement power of non-litigation mediation agreement and maximizes its credibility. In the widespread controversy, this system is formally written into the new Civil procedure Law of our country. "Harmony without lawsuit" is the highest state of judicial culture in ancient and modern times, but in recent years the current situation of litigation explosion has completely deviated from our ideal. On the one hand, the negative effects of economic development, on the other hand, we exaggerate the role of procedures, superstitious litigation. This paper makes a general analysis of the background, meaning and nature of the judicial confirmation system, and probes into the shortcomings and defects of the judicial confirmation system in our country through the comparison of the mature ADR theory and practice in the world. Combined with the present practice and present situation of our country, the author puts forward some perfect suggestions. In the first chapter, the author starts with the basic theory of the judicial confirmation system in China, discusses the proper theoretical basis of the system, and analyzes the nature of the system. Its value is incalculable, lighten the court work pressure and litigant tired at the same time also stabilized the whole society judicial order and the social order. The second chapter summarizes the current situation of judicial confirmation system in our country on the basis of investigation and data collection. Through the analysis, the author draws the conclusion that there are many problems in theory, legislation and practice of the system in our country. The third chapter through the domestic and foreign related system inspection, introduces its advanced ADR theory and the practice concrete practice, carries on the comparative research with our country judicial confirmation system, obtains to our country judicial confirmation system carries on the consummation enlightenment. The fourth chapter elaborates the perfect suggestion to the judicial confirmation system of our country. This paper puts forward some perfect suggestions on judicial confirmation system from two aspects: idea and system. Conceptually, we should pay equal attention to the improvement of legal workers and dispute parties, and improve the knowledge and trust of this system. On the one hand, we should put forward some suggestions on how to perfect the system in response to the problems of judicial confirmation in our country at present. On the other hand, Drawing lessons from the advanced ADR system in China and abroad, the author puts forward some suggestions to perfect the judicial confirmation system of our country.


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