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发布时间:2018-06-02 02:05

  本文选题:行政诉讼调解 + 适用范围的扩大 ; 参考:《辽宁大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:调解作为一项法律制度在诉讼法领域中占有不同寻常的地位,常被誉为东方经验。调解在行政诉讼中通常指由法院主持审查,针对行政诉讼中的争议内容,诉讼双方经自愿、平等协商达成协议,并最终解决纠纷,终结诉讼的一系列活动。调解在行政诉讼中的适用有利于维护行政诉讼原告的权益,有利于加强行政诉讼被告履行行政职责的主动性,更有利于法院采用灵活解决纠纷的机制审理行政案件,以营造一个和谐的诉讼环境。 我国现行《行政诉讼法》第67条第3款中规定了行政赔偿诉讼可以适用调解;但第50条又规定人民法院审理行政案件不适用调解。随着行政合作、行政服务的理念发展,对支持行政案件除行政赔偿诉讼外不适用调解的理论重新思考后,不难发现它们不仅存在内部的逻辑问题而且也不能适应行政理念的转变。在司法实践中,为了迎合法律规定,,行政诉讼中选择以调解为里、以撤诉结案为表的现象普遍存在,《行政诉讼法》中禁止适用调解的立法意图并未得到贯彻执行。德国和法国关于行政诉讼中调解的适用范围的理论十分详尽,具体的程序规定也得到了实践的考验,这对我们具有良好地借鉴意义。由此可见,现行《行政诉讼法》关于调解的规定已经显现出很多弊端,我国的行政诉讼理论和实践对行政诉讼中调解适用范围的扩大已经有所需要并具有成熟的条件。 本文将从行政诉讼中调解的适用范围扩大的理论和实践分析入手,结合最新关于行政诉讼中调解的适用范围的司法解释,对行政诉讼中调解的适用范围扩大的具体领域加以列举、探讨。希望对《行政诉讼法》的修改提供积极的作用,通过调解在行政诉讼中的适用范围的扩大完善我国的行政诉讼法律制度,更有效地实现行政诉讼目的,使之成为依法治国与构建和谐社会的黄金契合点。
[Abstract]:Mediation as a legal system occupies an unusual position in the field of procedural law and is often praised as the Eastern experience. Mediation usually refers to a series of activities in which the dispute content in administrative litigation is examined by the court and the two parties reach an agreement through voluntary and equal consultation and finally settle the dispute and end the lawsuit. The application of mediation in administrative litigation is conducive to safeguarding the rights and interests of the plaintiff in administrative litigation, to strengthening the initiative of the defendant in administrative litigation to perform administrative duties, and to the court adopting a flexible mechanism for resolving disputes to try administrative cases. To create a harmonious litigation environment. Article 67 (3) of our country's current Administrative procedure Law stipulates that mediation may be applied to administrative compensation litigation, but Article 50 also stipulates that mediation is not applicable to the people's court in handling administrative cases. With the development of administrative cooperation and the concept of administrative service, after rethinking the theory that mediation is not applicable to administrative cases other than administrative compensation litigation, It is not difficult to find that they not only have internal logic problems but also can not adapt to the transformation of administrative ideas. In judicial practice, in order to cater to the legal provisions, the phenomenon of taking mediation as the choice in the administrative proceedings and the withdrawal and closing of the case as the form is widespread, and the legislative intention of prohibiting the application of mediation in the Administrative procedure Law has not been carried out. German and French theories on the scope of mediation in administrative proceedings are very detailed, the specific procedural provisions have also been tested in practice, which has a good reference for us. It can be seen from this that the current regulation of mediation in Administrative Litigation Law has shown many drawbacks. The theory and practice of Administrative Litigation in our country have been necessary and mature for the expansion of the applicable scope of mediation in Administrative Litigation. This paper will start with the theoretical and practical analysis of the expansion of the scope of application of mediation in administrative litigation, and combine with the latest judicial interpretation of the scope of application of mediation in administrative litigation. This paper enumerates and probes into the specific areas in which the scope of application of mediation in administrative litigation is expanded. We hope to provide a positive role for the revision of the Administrative Litigation Law, improve the legal system of our country's Administrative Litigation through the expansion of the scope of application of mediation in the Administrative Litigation, and achieve the purpose of the Administrative Litigation more effectively. Make it become the golden joint point of governing the country according to law and constructing harmonious society.


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