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发布时间:2018-06-03 15:13

  本文选题:法官员额制 + 法官职业化 ; 参考:《广东财经大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The professionalization of judges is an important part of the construction of judicial system in China. It is an inevitable requirement for the society of rule of law and the guarantee of judicial justice to build a contingent of highly qualified judges. The third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee identified the reform of the post system of judges as an important reform measure to improve the degree of professionalization of judges in our country. This reform of the post system of judges will classify and select the existing court staff. Selecting excellent judges quickly and diverting unsuitable judges to lay a good foundation for the professionalization of judges in our country. Since the 1980s, the reform of the post system of judges in China has gone through three main stages of development, namely, the reconstruction of the court personnel system. The establishment stage of the post system of judges and the stage of comprehensively promoting and deepening the reform of the post system of judges. From the content point of view, the main contents of the current reform of the judges' post system in our country include the determination of the ratio of judges to posts, the perfection of the system of selecting and appointing judges, the rational distribution of judges' workload and the strengthening of the professional security of judges. Through the analysis of the situation in the pilot areas of the reform, it can be found that there are mainly vague criteria for the division of judges' posts in the current reform, and the system of selecting and appointing judges is relatively lagging behind. The problem of judge's duty, power and benefit caused by the pressure of work and the lack of job security is caused by "more case with fewer people". In order to ensure the smooth progress of the reform of the judges' post system in our country, we must perfect the existing reform plan, design a flexible post ratio adjustment mechanism, and strictly and fairly select and appoint judges. A reasonable working arrangement for judges and a perfect job security system for judges to solve the above problems.


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