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发布时间:2018-06-04 22:23

  本文选题:不起诉审查 + 诉讼化 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:检察官的起诉裁量权,是检察机关最核心的权力,,包括指控犯罪和不起诉两方面。2012年修改的《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》(以下简称《刑事诉讼法》)不仅保留了检察机关拥有绝对不起诉、相对不起诉、存疑不起诉等诉讼程序终结权,还增加了附条件不起诉的裁量权,对诉讼民主、诉讼文明、诉讼公开提出了更高的要求。在宽严相济的刑事政策下,随着检察机关不起诉裁量权的扩大,如何加强不起诉裁量权的监督和制约成为我国不起诉制度面临的新课题。 多年来,我国检察机关作出不起诉审查与决定的过程具有较大的行政化色彩,缺乏公开性和透明度,容易使社会公众对其公正性产生质疑。因此,有必要对我国的不起诉审查制度进行改革。在我国已经试行十余年的不起诉公开审查制度,作为对不起诉制度的改革探索,在一定程度上增强了不起诉决定环节的诉讼性、公开性和公正性。在当前我国审查起诉程序缺乏典型的三方构造、引入司法审查制度不具备现实可能性的刑事司法现状下,我国对不起诉审查制度的改革应遵循“相对合理主义”的道路,以我国不起诉公开审查制度的技术性改良为切入点,对我国不起诉审查制度进行诉讼化改造,使我国的不起诉决定程序诉讼化。 本文从不起诉审查制度诉讼化的基本理论出发,采用比较研究的方法,通过对我国不起诉审查制度诉讼化改造的必要性与可行性进行论证,在对我国不起诉公开审查制度现状进行考察和分析的基础上,借鉴大陆法系、英美法系代表国家的不起诉制约机制的经验,提出对我国不起诉审查制度诉讼化改造的初步设想,期待通过对不起诉审查制度诉讼化改造的具体设计,让不起诉决定过程更加公开化、透明化。本文主要分为以下五章: 第一章为不起诉审查制度诉讼化的基本理论概述。本章首先对不起诉审查制度的涵义与我国不起诉审查的模式进行介绍,随后在对刑事诉讼构造特征进行考察的基础上,对我国不起诉审查制度应具有的诉讼构造进行探讨,最后指出我国不起诉审查制度诉讼化改造的切入点。 第二章为我国不起诉审查制度诉讼化改造的必要性与可行性。本章从必要性和可能性两个角度对我国不起诉审查制度的诉讼化改造进行分析论证。 第三章为我国不起诉公开审查制度的现状与分析。本章首先对我国不起诉公开审查制度的产生和发展进行考察,随后对该制度的司法实践现状进行分析,最后对该制度目前存在的问题进行总结。 第四章为不起诉审查制度诉讼化的域外借鉴。本章对大陆法系与英美法系代表国家的不起诉制约机制进行分析和总结,为我国不起诉审查制度的诉讼化改造提供借鉴。 第五章为我国不起诉审查制度诉讼化改造的初步设想。本章首先对不起诉审查制度诉讼化改造应遵循的基本原则进行介绍,随后在基本原则的指导下,借鉴我国不起诉公开审查制度和域外国家不起诉制约机制的有益经验,提出对我国不起诉审查制度诉讼化改造的具体设计。
[Abstract]:The prosecutor's discretion in prosecution is the most important power of the procuratorial organ, including the two aspects of the charge of crime and non prosecution in the "Criminal Procedure Law of People's Republic of China" (hereinafter referred to as the Criminal Procedure Law), which has been amended in the two aspects of the accusation of crime and non prosecution. The procuratorial organs not only retain the right of the procuratorial organs to have the absolute non prosecution, relative non prosecution, doubt and non prosecution, but also increase the right to end the proceedings. Adding the discretion of conditional non prosecution, it puts forward higher requirements for litigation democracy, litigation civilization and public litigation. Under the criminal policy of tempering justice with mercy, with the expansion of the procuratorial organ's non prosecution discretion, how to strengthen the supervision and restriction of non prosecution discretion has become a new subject in China's non prosecution system.
Over the years, the process of examining and deciding on non prosecution in the procuratorial organs of our country has great administrative color, lack of openness and transparency, which makes it easy for the public to question its impartiality. Therefore, it is necessary to reform the system of non prosecution examination in our country. As the reform exploration of the system of "sorry," to a certain extent, it has strengthened the litigation, openness and impartiality of the decision link of non prosecution. In the current situation of the lack of typical three party structure in the procedure of examination and prosecution in our country and the present situation of criminal justice which does not have the practical possibility of the judicial review system, the reform of our country's sorry prosecution system should be carried out. Following the road of "relative rationalism", taking the technical improvement of the system of public review of non prosecution in our country as the breakthrough point, the reform of our country's non prosecution examination system is proceeding lawfully, and the procedure of the decision procedure of non prosecution in our country is lawless.
On the basis of the basic theory of the litigation of the non prosecution examination system, this paper adopts the method of comparative study to demonstrate the necessity and feasibility of the procedural transformation of the non prosecution examination system in China, and on the basis of the investigation and analysis of the present situation of the public examination system of non prosecution in China, and on the basis of the continental law system and the Anglo American law system represent the country. On the basis of the experience of the non prosecution and restriction mechanism, this paper puts forward the tentative idea of the procedural transformation of the non prosecution review system in China, and expects to make the process of the non prosecution more open and transparent through the concrete design of the procedural transformation of the system of the sorry prosecution review. This article is divided into the following five chapters:
The first chapter is an overview of the basic theory of the litigation of the non prosecution review system. First, I am sorry to introduce the meaning of the system and the mode of the non prosecution examination in our country. Then, on the basis of the investigation of the structural characteristics of the criminal procedure, the paper discusses the litigation structure of the non prosecution examination system in our country, and finally points out that I have the structure of the lawsuit. The entry point of Litigation Reform for non prosecution system.
The second chapter is the necessity and feasibility of the procedural transformation of the non prosecution examination system in China. This chapter analyzes and demonstrates the procedural transformation of the non prosecution examination system in China from the two angles of necessity and possibility.
The third chapter is the present situation and analysis of the public review system of non prosecution in China. This chapter first investigates the emergence and development of the public review system of non prosecution in China, and then analyzes the current situation of the judicial practice of the system, and finally summarizes the existing problems of the system.
The fourth chapter is the extraterritorial reference for the litigation of the non prosecution review system. This chapter analyses and summarizes the non prosecution restriction mechanism of the representative countries of the continental law system and the Anglo American law system, and provides the reference for the Litigation Reform of the non prosecution examination system in China.
The fifth chapter is the tentative idea of the procedural transformation of the non prosecution examination system in China. This chapter first introduces the basic principles that should be followed in the procedural reform of the system of complaint review, and then, under the guidance of the basic principles, draw on our country's non prosecution open review system and the beneficial experience of the non prosecution restriction mechanism of foreign countries, and put forward to our country. The concrete design of Litigation Reform of non prosecution review system.


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