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发布时间:2018-06-05 05:19

  本文选题:故意杀人 + 聂树斌 ; 参考:《东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版)》2017年03期

[Abstract]:At the end of 2016, Nie Shubin's rapes and manslaughter cases, which have attracted much attention for many years, were acquitted by the second Circuit Court of the Supreme people's Court. This is a case of intentional homicide by du Peiwu in Yunnan Province, deliberate homicide in she Xianglin in Hubei Province, intentional homicide in Zhao Zuohai in Henan Province, intentional homicide in Zhejiang Zhang Gao Ping and Zhang Hui's nephew, poisoning in Nimin in Fujian Province, and intentional homicide in Huugjilt in Inner Mongolia. After the manslaughter case of Chen Man in Hainan, and so on, together with the nerves and feelings of the public in our country, after the family members of the parties repeatedly avenged their grievances and people from all walks of life helped each other for decades, Finally ushered in but was indeed late for that ray of justice sunshine. Naturally, the rehabilitation of every wrong case will make the family of the party a little gratified. There is also a little consolation for the life that has disappeared without cause, as well as more or less relief for the public. But for the legal people of contemporary China, I am afraid that a little relief can not alleviate the burden of judicial justice based on professional conscience or late "sin". Because we know that our society may still have a lot of wrongs and are waiting in line to see the dawn of judicial justice. Our society may still have all kinds of wrongs and wrongs in the future. And bring shame to justice. Like many wrongs that have been vindicated or have not been rehabilitated, Nie Shubin case and Huugjilt case, no matter how large their influence and how wide their scope of influence, will eventually fall silent and become an event in history. However, as legal personnel, I am afraid that we should not easily forget these wrongs, nor should we arbitrarily go beyond them, especially in promoting the rule of law in an all-round way in our country. Under the background of building a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics in an effort to build a socialist country ruled by law, we should reflect on these wrong cases through rational reflection. To deeply reflect and criticize the relevant systems and practices of our country, as well as ourselves as participants in institutional practice, in order to seek to minimize the occurrence of wrongful cases even if they cannot be eliminated. The goal of "working hard to make the people feel fair and just in every judicial case" was put forward to General Secretary Xi Jinping. To this end, we have invited Professor Zhou Guangquan, School of Law, Tsinghua University, Professor Lin Wei, China Youth School of Politics, Professor Xu Dai, School of Law of Jilin University, Professor Yao Jianzong, School of Law and Research Center of Law and Public Policy of Shenyang normal University, Joint participation in this "reflection on the wrong case of injustice" as the theme of the written conversation.
【作者单位】: 沈阳师范大学;


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