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发布时间:2018-06-05 15:18

  本文选题:挂靠 + 责任承担 ; 参考:《黑龙江大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The construction link of the construction industry can not only be restricted from the legal point of view, its existence and development has a special historical background and development history, with the continuous development and improvement of the economic field, It can be said that the definition of this term and the scope of the definition is constantly changing and improving. From the historical point of view, the construction industry was once the economic type produced by a specific period of historical development, and with the constant adjustment and development of the country's political economy, Especially in the legal provisions of its provisions in continuous improvement. However, due to the historical problems and the diversity and complexity of social and economic development, the phenomenon of construction links is still widespread, and many problems are difficult to solve. Therefore, it not only brings many problems to the economic activities in the field of construction, but also leads to many legal problems that need to be solved urgently in the field of judicial practice. In this paper, the author will analyze the causes of this problem from the point of view of practice and the relevant thinking on how to solve it, in combination with the problems caused by the construction cases accepted by the author's court in the past three years. This article will analyze from four parts, from the introduction, mainly elaborates the historical background, the significance and the research method of the topic, paving the way for the full text behind. The first part is an overview of the construction of construction enterprises. This part mainly analyzes the definition of building link construction in the process of historical evolution and changes in our country, expounds the legal concept of construction with Chinese characteristics, and combines the general views of many legal definitions from the theoretical circle and judicial practice. Clear legal definition of the link. At the same time, the main characteristics of building construction are analyzed. The second part is the legal problems existing in the construction of Chinese construction enterprises. At present, the management mode of building management still exists widely in the field of construction, and has a great influence on the economic activities in this field. At the same time, it is inevitable that all kinds of disputes arise because of various non-standard management methods. However, due to our legislation in this area is not perfect. In judicial practice, there are different regions, judges' cognition of cases is different, and there are different judgments on the same case. At the same time, due to the hidden nature of the legal relationship between the building and the construction, the ambiguity of the responsibility subject, the incomplete distribution of laws and trade regulations, it also brings difficulties to the administration of justice. Therefore, it is necessary to summarize some common problems in this field. The third part is the related responsibility of building construction in our country. The determination of responsibility is the necessary way to solve the problem and the premise of remedial work. In this part, it will be clear what kind of responsibility should be borne by the affiliated enterprise, and what kind of responsibility should be shared with the affiliated enterprise, and at the same time, all kinds of responsibilities derived from it will be recognized. The fourth part is the analysis of the legal solution of the construction problem. This part will combine the above concrete discussion, summarize and analyze the solution of the related problems, so as to fundamentally reduce the negative impact of the link phenomenon. The conclusion is the summary and summary of this paper.


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