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发布时间:2018-06-06 05:09

  本文选题:非法言词证据 + 冤假错案 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The establishment of the exclusionary system of illegal verbal evidence in criminal proceedings in our country is a reflection of the democratization and civilization of the country's judicature and the embodiment of respecting and protecting human rights. However, in practice, because of the deep-rooted presumption of guilt litigation concept, the exclusion of guilt evidence can not be accepted, so we are faced with the problem of how to reasonably apply the exclusion system of illegal verbal evidence. Although verbal evidence plays an important role in the chain of evidence, a large number of false and false cases in practice have to make us ponder over whether the collection of evidence is standard or not, and whether it conforms to the requirements of due process of law. Therefore, the legislative circle of our country has begun to attach importance to the study of the exclusion of verbal evidence. In 2010, the Supreme people's Court, the Supreme people's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, The Ministry of National Security and the Ministry of Justice jointly promulgated the regulations on the exclusion of illegal evidence in criminal cases, which means that our country began to introduce the system of exclusion of illegal verbal evidence in the form of judicial interpretation into the West. Although the expression of this regulation is vague and rough, it is a great progress in the legal history of our country. On this basis, the Criminal procedure Law, which was amended in 2012, formally established the exclusion system of illegal verbal evidence in the form of legislation. The article will take the illegal words evidence exclusion system as the core carries on the elaboration. This paper introduces the theoretical background, relevant concepts, the definition of the system on behalf of foreign countries, and points out our shortcomings by examining some practices of foreign developed countries in the academic and judicial circles, for example, In the legislation, illegal verbal evidence is not detailed enough to enumerate "illegal means", and there is no reasonable definition of various forms of illegal evidence in judicial practice. There are a series of problems in litigation concept, such as differences between developed countries and foreign countries. Therefore, we should take the current legislative situation and judicial practice as the starting point to analyze the reasons that hinder the practice of the exclusionary system of illegal verbal evidence in our country, such as: the adverse effect of presumption of guilt, the lack of procedural consciousness, and the promotion of the pressure of handling cases. The adverse effect of truthful confession obligation and the defects of procuratorial system. Then, by introducing the existing legislative system and judicial practice of several foreign countries, and learning from the beneficial experience of other countries, the author hopes to perfect the evidence system of illegal words in our country in legislation and judicature. So that the system of the exclusion of illegal verbal evidence can play its due value, put an end to the root cause of miscarriage of justice, safeguard the judicial authority, and truly protect human rights.


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