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发布时间:2018-06-07 05:20

  本文选题:实现担保物权 + 申请 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:At its twenty-eighth meeting, on 31 August 2012, the standing Committee of the Eleventh National people's Congress adopted the decision on the revision of the Civil procedure Law of the people's Republic of China. Special procedures for the realization of security interests, It provides a clear legal basis for the realization procedure of security interest. Therefore, the public relief mode of the security right is established in our country through the non-litigant adjudication mode. However, the newly revised Code of Civil procedure only uses two provisions to stipulate the special procedures for the realization of security interest cases, which is far from providing sufficient legal basis for the realization of special procedures cases in judicial practice. In order to standardize the trial of special procedure cases concerning security interests, On December 25, 2012, the Zhejiang Provincial higher people's Court issued the "opinions of the Zhejiang Provincial higher people's Court on the trial of cases concerning the realization of Security interests", and on July 3, 2013, issued the "Zhejiang higher people's Court on trial "answers to some questions in the case of Security interests." on August 27, 2013, the Executive Board of the Zhejiang Provincial higher people's Court issued the notice of the Executive Board of the higher people's Court of Zhejiang Province on standardizing the implementation procedures of security interest cases, and other documents, The above documents provide a certain basis for standardizing the legal application of security real right cases in Zhejiang province, and also have a good reference value for the trial of security real rights cases in the whole country. However, with regard to the realization of special procedures for security interests, after all, in China, it is a new thing. Incompleteness and other factors will inevitably lead to confusion in the application of the law in the process of trial and enforcement of special procedure cases of security interests in local people's courts. Such confusion will often, in many cases, more or less damage the debtor. The interests of the guarantor or the security right. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the application of law in the process of application, examination and enforcement of special procedure cases of security interests in judicial practice through the study of the practice of realizing special procedure cases of security interests. This paper probes into the defects and deficiencies in the legislation of the special procedure for the realization of security interests in our country, thus providing a reference for the application of the law in the process of application, examination and execution of the special procedure cases of security interests and the improvement of the legislation thereafter.


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