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发布时间:2018-06-07 08:07

  本文选题:良性互动 + 司法 ; 参考:《青年记者》2013年25期

[Abstract]:How to interact positively with the media? This is an old topic, and it makes sense to refocus on it now, because the times have changed-humans have entered the Internet, and the judiciary and the media have contrasted in the process of combining with the Internet. On the one hand, the media has inserted the wings of the network, all media, new media and self-media and other new things emerge in endlessly. The traditional media used to be simply radio, television or newspapers and periodicals, but now they are all integrated with the Internet, digital broadcasting, mobile television, digital television,
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学法学院;


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3 张s,




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