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发布时间:2018-06-09 03:42

  本文选题:辨认笔录 + 辨认结论 ; 参考:《政法论坛》2017年01期

[Abstract]:Identification is an important investigative measure, and identification record is also an important type of evidence. However, at present, there are many problems in the design of identification program in China, both in legislation and in practice. The characteristic of identification conclusion is the existence value of identification, and the attribute of evidence is the premise of its application. During the identification process, it is necessary to adhere to the basic principles necessary to regulate the initiation process. The theory of improving the proof function of the identification conclusion should require the authentication of the identification conclusion in the lawsuit should be more careful, strengthen the examination and judgment of the identification conclusion and strengthen the power of proof, so as to improve its role in the determination of the facts of the case.
【作者单位】: 兰州大学法学院;


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