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发布时间:2018-06-09 23:10

  本文选题:全职法官 + 非全职法官 ; 参考:《政治与法律》2013年03期

[Abstract]:The 2006 Hong Kong Court of final Appeal guidelines on the participation of Part-time judges in political activities allowed part-time judges to become members of political parties, but opposed more active participation of part-time judges in political activities. This is inconsistent with the 2004 Code of Conduct for judges of the Hong Kong Court of final Appeal, which requires judges to avoid joining any political organization. By examining the relevant legislation of the international community, it is found that whether and how to regulate the conduct of judges' participation in political activities, the international community does not have a consistent approach at present, which depends on each country or region's own choice of legal system. Whether in accordance with the basic Law of Hong Kong and the laws of Hong Kong, or because of the nature of the exercise of judicial power by part-time judges and full-time judges, there is no sufficient legal basis for allowing part-time judges to become members of political parties. Nor can it deal with the possibility of more active political involvement of part-time judges, which could undermine the independence and impartiality of the judiciary. Due to the importance of judicial power in the HKSAR and the relative closure of the procedure for appointing part-time judges, allowing part-time judges to become members of political parties may aggravate the competition for judicial power and the impact on the appointment of part-time judges. In accordance with the basic Law, it is necessary to regulate the participation of part-time judges in political activities and to require part-time judges to stay away from political parties and politics.
【作者单位】: 深圳大学法学院;


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