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发布时间:2018-06-10 15:34

  本文选题:律师在场权 + 米兰达规则 ; 参考:《太原科技大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Pretrial procedure is highly closed, criminal suspects in the absence of lawyers to help, due to the uneven quality of some investigators and investigation purposes and other factors, such as illegal interrogation and other illegal investigation. The right to present has been widely known by the world through the "Miranda rule", and the establishment of the right to be present by lawyers has become the "international standard" of modern criminal justice, although the Criminal procedure Law of our country has amended the right of defense in a wide range. Unfortunately, the important defense right of lawyer's presence is not included in this article, which is to discuss the scope of lawyer's right to be present in the investigation stage. Through the analysis of the extraterritorial system, it is concluded that the foothold of the lawyer's presence system is not to suppress the illegal investigation, but to ensure the criminal suspect's voluntary confession and not to be forced by the public authority. On the occasion of the revision of the Criminal procedure Law of our country, the defense right on the basis of setting up the right to present is becoming more and more perfect, as well as the strong support of the legal aid system and other interrogation measures. The author analyzes the characteristics of the investigation structure and the pretrial procedure of our country through the analysis of the legal aid system and other interrogation measures. And draw lessons from the foreign relevant excellent system design, limit the case scope of progressive development of the right to the scene, clarify the rights and obligations of the lawyers present, determine the right to be present and the right to silence in different cases, and the way of cooperation between the right to be present and the right to silence and the way of audio and video recording. The case coverage of the right to be present should be gradually advanced.


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