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发布时间:2018-06-11 23:21

  本文选题:小额诉讼程序 + 司法适用 ; 参考:《山东大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:自从进入二十一世纪以来,世界各国无论是英美法系还是大陆法系都在如火如荼的进行司法改革。我国民事诉讼法改革的呼声一直很高,但是仅仅停留在学术探讨的层面上,自2011年全国人大常委会决定对民事诉讼法进行全面修订,从而拉开了民事审判程序改革的序幕,2012年8月31日全国人大常务委员会审议通过了《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法修正案》,正式设立小额诉讼程序。本文以小额诉讼程序的设立为契机,探讨了新法视域下我国小额诉讼程序的司法适用。对小额诉讼程序具体构想提出合理化的建议,以弥补小额诉讼程序法条过于简单的规定,使这一程序能够实现立法者的初衷,更好的发挥其功能价值。本文在写作手法上采用了社会调查和比较研究的方法。在社会调查方面,对我国小额诉讼程序率先试点的法院进行了调查,并对试点法院关于小额诉讼程序的具体规定进行了整理和分析,从而为这一程序在我国的具体适用找到了方向。在比较研究方面,通过考察大陆法系和英美法系等小额诉讼程序比较完善的国家对这一程序的具体规定和实践中的具体适用,希望能为我国这一程序的完善提供借鉴。 本文引言部分介绍了我国设立小额诉讼程序的背景和意义;第一部分为小额诉讼程序概述,界定小额诉讼程序的概念,分析总结小额诉讼程序的特点;第二部分通过考察德、日、英、美等小额诉讼程序比较完善的国家对这一程序的具体规定和在实践中的具体适用,期待为我国这一程序的完善提供借鉴。第三部分调查我国小额诉讼程序的司法实践活动并总结分析小额诉讼程序在适用中存在的问题;在第四部分提出在新法视域下构建我国小额诉讼程序司法适用的具体构想。结语部分强调我国尚处于小额诉讼程序的探索阶段,还需要在司法实践中不断完善,期待尽早出台我国关于小额诉讼程序适用的司法解释。
[Abstract]:Since entering the 21 century, all countries in the world, whether Anglo-American law system or civil law system, are carrying out judicial reform in full swing. The voice of civil procedure law reform in our country has always been very high, but only on the level of academic discussion. Since the decision of the standing Committee of the National people's Congress in 2011 to carry out a comprehensive revision of the civil procedure law, On August 31, 2012, the standing Committee of the National people's Congress deliberated and passed the Amendment to the Civil procedure Law of the people's Republic of China, and formally established the small lawsuit procedure. Taking the establishment of small claims procedure as a turning point, this paper probes into the judicial application of small claims procedure in China from the perspective of the new law. In order to make up for the too simple stipulation of the small claims procedure law, this procedure can realize the original intention of the legislator and give full play to its function value. This paper adopts the methods of social investigation and comparative study in writing techniques. In terms of social investigation, the courts that have taken the lead in the small claims proceedings in our country have been investigated, and the specific provisions of the pilot courts on the small claims proceedings have been sorted out and analyzed. Thus found the direction for the concrete application of this procedure in our country. In the aspect of comparative study, by investigating the specific provisions and practical application of the small claims procedure in countries such as civil law system and common law system, This paper introduces the background and significance of establishing small claims procedure in China. The first part is an overview of small claims procedure, defining the concept of small claims procedure. The second part of the small claims procedure through the investigation of Germany, Japan, Britain, the United States and other countries with relatively perfect small claims procedures to the specific provisions of this procedure and the specific application in practice, Look forward to providing reference for the perfection of this procedure in our country. The third part investigates the judicial practice of the small claims procedure in our country and summarizes and analyzes the problems existing in the application of the small claims procedure. In the fourth part, the author puts forward the concrete idea of constructing the judicial application of the small claims procedure in our country under the new law. The conclusion part emphasizes that our country is still in the exploratory stage of the small claims procedure and needs to be perfected in the judicial practice. We look forward to introducing the judicial interpretation of the application of the small claims procedure in our country as soon as possible.


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