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发布时间:2018-06-11 21:54

  本文选题:监察体制改革 + 监察委员会 ; 参考:《吉林大学社会科学学报》2017年06期

[Abstract]:The organizational remodeling and property right adjustment brought by the reform of the state supervision system will integrate the anti-corruption resources comprehensively, establish a centralized, unified, authoritative and efficient state supervision system, so as to comprehensively crack down on corruption and improve the governance ability of the country. However, the content of this reform document is still relatively principled, and many specific system design directions are not involved in the relevant documents, especially for the protection of the rights and interests of the object under investigation, such as the content of the lawyer's right to defense. In order to ensure that the state supervision runs under the rule of law and avoid the abuse of the corresponding public power, the new position of the lawyer's right to defense under the background of the reform, especially the existence or absence of the lawyer's right to help under the new system, is an important part of it. How the position, system design has become an urgent problem to be answered. Whether from the macro perspective of the nature and task of the reform of the state supervisory system, or from the specific concepts of safeguarding human rights, promoting procedural justice, restricting public power, etc. The duty crime system of the new state supervision system should absorb the lawyer's right to help, adjust and revise it pertinently, on the basis of defining the time of intervention, determining the content of power, and perfecting the relief mechanism. The lawyer's right to help is put into practice, and the social effect, policy goal and theoretical meaning of the reform are finally realized.
【作者单位】: 山西省人民检察院;中南财经政法大学法学院;


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