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发布时间:2018-06-12 01:02

  本文选题:法律制度 + 检察机关 ; 参考:《河北大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In China, civil public interest litigation is a new type of litigation developed in recent years. Unlike ordinary civil litigation and criminal action, civil public interest litigation is a kind of civil activity in which the public interest is damaged by the appropriate subject. Originally people only attach importance to personal interests, never thought that the public interest would also be hurt the public interest. However, with the development of economy, the focus of public interest has gradually shifted from individual contradiction to public contradiction, and public interest litigation has been born and paid more and more attention. The theorists have begun to discuss whether procuratorial organs, as the public power of the country, can intervene in the private sphere of citizens. At a time when people are arguing endlessly, they affirm the public interest litigation system in legislation. Subsequently, the Supreme Procuratorate issued the "measures of implementation" to determine that the procuratorial organs filed civil public welfare litigation as "public interest litigants" and carried out public welfare pilot work in 13 regions of the country. These are the great progress of civil public interest litigation in our country, which must be said to be of great help to the protection of public interest. From the existing research results, academic research on the basis of procuratorial civil public interest litigation and other basic theoretical research thorough, for practice to provide a solid theoretical basis. In addition, the implementation of the procedures after the release of the provisions of litigation preservation, burden of proof and other aspects of the operation flow, these are no longer highlighted in the article. This paper will focus on the theoretical and practical problems that arise after the procuratorial organs have brought the civil public interest litigation as "public interest litigants", and use the method of analysis and comparison. Draw lessons from the foreign procuratorial organs to bring civil public interest litigation specific procedures, the scope of cases, to give relevant suggestions to improve the establishment of procuratorial organs to bring civil public interest litigation legal system. I hope to give the greatest support to civil public interest litigation from the judicial point of view, make up for the lack of administrative power, and better promote the development of civil public interest litigation in our country.


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