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发布时间:2018-06-12 01:15

  本文选题:法院去地方化 + 内涵 ; 参考:《南京航空航天大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:According to the Constitution, the courts of the people's Republic of China are the judicial organs of the state and exercise judicial power independently according to law. However, in the judicial practice, the court succumbed to the local control because of the people, property and property, forming the local protection. The phenomenon of the localization of the court was serious, which affected the credibility of the court and resulted in the judicial injustice. To cause the lawful rights and interests of citizens to be "legally damaged". The reform of the delocalization of the court is urgent, it is the correct embodiment of the constitutional principle, the inevitable requirement of the realization of judicial justice, and the system guarantee to safeguard the unity of the country's rule of law. At present, a new round of judicial reform has been launched, but through the specific analysis of the situation of a grassroots court performing its duties in accordance with the law, it is found that the local government's perception of the court as an internal institution has not been effectively improved. The judges of the local people's courts still face various difficulties in carrying out their duties according to law. The problems of the court serving the overall situation, the supervision of the people's Congress and the expenditure become the external resistance to restrict the delocalization of the court, and the lack of the construction of the judges themselves and the fear of the implementation of the system become the internal resistance of the delocalization of the court. In order to speed up the reform of the delocalization of the courts, we should first strengthen the leadership of the Party, gradually promote the reform of the court management system, improve the judicial credibility, improve the supervisory mechanism, strengthen the building of the contingent of judges, and standardize the participation of the courts in local administrative affairs. Optimize the allocation of judicial authority.


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