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发布时间:2018-06-12 23:47

  本文选题:检察监督 + 行政执法 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:To reflect on and study the procuratorial supervision system of administrative law enforcement can effectively give full play to the legal supervisory function of procuratorial organs, promote the administration of administrative organs according to law, and advance the process of ruling by law in our country. This paper expounds the corresponding viewpoints from five aspects: the first part: introduction. The background, significance, train of thought and method of this thesis are explained, and the legitimacy and necessity of procuratorial supervision administrative law enforcement are systematically combed with the research method of combining theory with practice. This paper analyzes the present practice of procuratorial supervision of administrative law enforcement in China, and summarizes the methods of perfecting the system. The second part: the legitimacy and necessity of procuratorial supervision of administrative law enforcement. The analysis of legitimacy mainly from three aspects: first, the need of the rule of law and constitutional development. The political motivation for the emergence and development of the procuratorial system lies in the checks and balances of power, which coincide with the aims pursued by the rule of law and constitutionalism, and the second is that the supervisory powers of the procuratorial organs have constitutional legal provisions. Third, China's procuratorial supervision authority has its own historical basis. The analysis of necessity also includes three aspects: first, the realistic need of comprehensively promoting the rule of law; second, the meaning of advancing procuratorial work; third, the comparative advantage of procuratorial supervision of administrative law enforcement. The third part: summarize the current situation and predicament of procuratorial supervision system of administrative law enforcement. Through the analysis of individual cases and summing up the experience and practice, this paper reflects on the shortcomings of the procuratorial supervision system of administrative law enforcement in our country at present, and probes into the ways for the procuratorial organs to supervise and prevent and correct the administrative illegal acts. The fourth part: the path improvement of administrative law enforcement procuratorial supervision system. This paper tries to summarize some feasible suggestions by combing out the scholars' viewpoints on the principles, scope, ways and procedures of procuratorial supervision of administrative law enforcement, and provides some ideas for further study of procuratorial supervision of administrative law enforcement. The fifth part: the guarantee of procuratorial supervision system of administrative law enforcement. Perfect legislation, perfect safeguard mechanism. It ensures the procuratorial organs to exert the effect of supervising administrative law enforcement from the aspects of multi-party support, clue source, cooperation and cooperation.


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