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发布时间:2018-06-14 09:41

  本文选题:新刑事诉讼法 + 刑事庭前会议 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:刑事庭前会议制度是我国新刑事诉讼法所确立的新制度之一,是我国庭前准备程序的核心制度。该制度的确立引起了理论界和实务界的广泛关注,很多学者也发表了关于该制度的研究成果。一般来说,刑事庭前会议制度渊源于美国民事审前会议。根据《美国法律词典》的定义,刑事庭前会议是由法官召集的为促进审判公正和诉讼效率而在案件开庭审理之前解决控辩双方的争议以及对案件的审理程序、证据准入和争点确定进行处理的程序。在实践中,刑事庭前会议制度承担着程序分流、资讯交流、争点整理和证据准入等功能。刑事庭前会议制度的确立对提高我国刑事诉讼效率、促进庭审的实质化具有重要的现实意义。 由于刑事庭前会议制度是我国新刑事诉讼法刚确立的制度,所以在立法和司法层面难免会有一些不完善的地方。从立法上看,法条规定过于原则简单不利于司法适用;刑事庭前会议的内容不够明确,易造成适用混乱;法律没有赋予刑事庭前会议确定的法律效力,限制了刑事庭前会议制度功能的发挥;审判人员主持刑事庭前会议不能排除法官庭前预断,不利于审判公正;刑事庭前会议不能够排除非法证据有悖于诉讼原理。从法律实践中看,各地出台的相关规定内容不一,呈现多元化特点;被告人及辩护人诉讼代理人参加庭前会议的积极性不高;实践中庭审时间的大幅缩短使人产生先定后审之嫌。 相比较而言,美国审前会议自1938年确立以来,经过70多年的发展已经相当成熟和完备,为缓解美国司法压力做出了巨大贡献。美国审前会议立法完备,司法科学合理对我国完善刑事庭前会议制度具有重要的借鉴意义。具体来说,美国审前会议给我们的启示有:第一,赋予审前会议确定的程序效力是庭审集中迅速进行的保障;第二,赋予法官审前裁决的权力有助于审前会议的实质化;第三,审前会议中促进案件和解的内容可为我国刑事庭前会议解决刑事附带民事中民事调解提供借鉴;第四,审前会议应确保程序的公正性;第五,审前会议的目的在于促进审判公正和提高审判效率;第六,完善的配套制度是审前会议功能发挥的重要保障。 充实完备庭前准备程序是世界潮流。刑事庭前会议制度是我国刑事庭前准备程序的核心,但是由于立法规定的简单原则化给司法适用带来了诸多问题以及程序效力的缺失限制了刑事庭前会议制度功能的发挥。因此完善刑事庭前会议制度应从以下方面入手:第一,明确刑事庭前会议的制度模式。我国立法并没有规定刑事庭前会议制度的召开模式,但是制度模式是对制度的一种定位,是制度的外在表现形式。结合国际做法以及我国实际情况,我国刑事庭前会议应采取司法审查模式和协商会议模式相结合的方式进行。第二,排除法官的庭前预断,将审判法官与刑事庭前会议主持者相分离,由合议庭中的一人或法官助理担任会议主持者较为合适。第三,将庭前会议的处理范围明确限定为解决程序争议、审查庭审证据准入,进行争点整理和处理当事人的申请。第四,赋予刑事庭前会议确定的法律效力,赋予法官庭前裁决的权力。第五,赋予当事人救济的权力。除此之外,完善的配套制度是刑事庭前会议制度功能发挥的重要保障。我国在完善刑事庭前会议制度本身的同时还应完善相关的配套制度,如证据开示、证据保全、非法证据排除以及期日征询制度等。只有二者的共同完备才能最大程度的发挥刑事庭前会议制度提高诉讼效率,保障庭审迅速实质化进行的作用。
[Abstract]:The system of pre court meeting is one of the new systems established by the new criminal procedure law in China. It is the core of the preparatory procedure before the court. The establishment of the system has aroused wide attention from the theoretical and practical circles, and many scholars have published the research results on the system. Pretrial conference. In accordance with the definition of the American Law Dictionary, the pre court meeting is a procedure called by a judge to resolve the dispute between the prosecution and the defence before the trial is opened and the proceedings of the case, the admittance of evidence and the determination of the point of dispute for the purpose of promoting the justice and efficiency of the trial. In practice, the system of pre court meetings is in practice. The establishment of the pre court meeting system is of great practical significance to the improvement of the efficiency of our criminal proceedings and the promotion of the substantive trial of the court.
As the system of the pre court meeting is the newly established system of the new criminal procedure law in China, there will be some imperfect places in the legislative and judicial level. From the legislative point of view, the rule of law is too simple to be applicable to the judicial application; the content of the pre court meeting is not clear enough, and it is liable to cause confusion; the law has not been given a penalty. The legal effect determined by the pre court meeting limits the function of the system before the Criminal Tribunal; the pretrial session of the criminal court can not exclude the pretrial pretrial of the judge, which is not conducive to the justice of the trial; the pretrial meeting can not exclude the illegal evidence from the principle of litigation. There is a variety of features; the initiative of the defendants and the defenders' litigation agents to participate in the pre court meetings is not high; the substantial shortening of the trial time in practice causes the suspicion of the first trial and subsequent trial.
In comparison, the pre trial conference of the United States, since its establishment in 1938, has been quite mature and complete after 70 years of development. It has made great contributions to the relief of American judicial pressure. The United States pretrial conference legislation is complete and the judicial science is reasonable for our country to improve the system of the criminal court before the trial. The inspiration of the conference is as follows: first, giving the validity of the procedure determined by the pretrial conference is the guarantee of the trial centralization; second, the power given to the judge's adjudication is helpful to the substance of the pretrial meeting; and third, the content of the promotion of the case reconciliation in the pretrial conference can be used to solve the criminal incidental civil proceedings in the pre court meeting of our country. Civil mediation provides reference; fourth, the pretrial meeting should ensure the fairness of the procedure; fifth, the purpose of the pretrial meeting is to promote the justice of the trial and improve the efficiency of the trial; and sixth, a perfect supporting system is an important guarantee for the function of the pretrial conference.
The pre court preparation procedure is the world trend. The pre court conference system is the core of the preparatory procedure before the Criminal Tribunal in our country. However, because of the simple principle of the legislative provisions, many problems and the lack of procedural effectiveness limit the function of the system of the criminal court before the Criminal Court. Therefore, the pre court meeting before the criminal court is perfected. The system should begin with the following aspects: first, make clear the system pattern of the pre court meeting. China's legislation does not stipulate the convening pattern of the pre court meeting system, but the system model is a position of the system and the external manifestation of the system. Take the mode of judicial review and the mode of consultative meeting to be combined. Second, it is more appropriate to separate the judge from the pre court pretrial, separate the judge from the pretribunal presiding person, and to be the chairperson of the meeting by one or the assistant of the judge. Third, the processing scope of the pre court meeting is clearly defined as a dispute resolution. To review the admittance of trial evidence, to organize and deal with the application of the parties. Fourth, give the legal effect determined by the pre court meeting and give the judge the right to decide before the court. Fifth, the power to give the parties relief. At the same time, the system of the pre court meeting should be perfected, such as the evidence opening, the evidence preservation, the exclusionary rule of the illegal evidence and the system of day and day inquiry. Only the common completion of the two parties can maximize the system of the pre court meeting to improve the efficiency of the lawsuit and ensure the role of the court trial.


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