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发布时间:2018-06-14 11:57

  本文选题:通讯监察 + 价值冲突 ; 参考:《北方工业大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:全文共分五个部分,对通讯监察制度进行初步探讨,分别介绍国外关于通讯监察制度的立法现状,我国通讯监察制度的现状及不足分析,并针对这一现状,结合国外相关立法、对我国通讯监察制度的构建提出建议。 第一部分介绍通讯监察的概念、特征、性质及通讯监察法制化的概念。我国并没有通讯监察的概念,所以本文首先介绍监听的概念,明确监听与通讯监察概念的区别,通过讨论学术界关于通讯监察概念的争议及各个国家对于通讯监察概念的态度,进而提出本人的观点,明细通讯监察之所指及通讯监察的性质。同时基于我国立法现状,提出通讯监察法制化的概念。 第二部分论述通讯监察法制化的必要性。通讯监察既有其在侦查犯罪方面的优越性,同时也有其对人民权利侵害之弊端。因此,只有将通讯监察措施进行法制化规制,才能最大程度的寻求利弊的平衡。本部分分别从通讯监察法制化对侦查权的制约、对公民权利的保障、符合法制化建设的必然要求及国际发展趋势等四个方面论述通讯监察法制化的必要性。 第三部分是域外法通讯监察法制化比较研究。根据所掌握的材料,本部分将西方各国家对通讯监察的相关立法,分别从立法模式、适用条件、适用程序、监督与制约及对被监察人权利的救济等方面来梳理,以作为我国的立法参考。 第四部分是我国通讯监察制度存在的问题。长期以来,我国并没有将通讯监察制度纳入立法范围,刑事诉讼法虽然对技术侦查做了规定,但是缺乏具体可操作性。实践中,通讯监察的随意性很大,长期处于“脱轨”的状态,从而折射出我国传统法制观念的相对落后。 第五部分大胆对我国通讯监察制度提出完善建议。首先提出我国构建通讯监察制度应当遵循的基本原则,然后分别从适用范围、发动程序、执行程序、所获信息的处理、监督及权利保障、证据使用及排除等方面设计出一套符合我国国情、适合我国司法体制、具有可操作性的方案,以期对我国通讯监察制度的构建做出贡献。
[Abstract]:The full text is divided into five parts, the paper discusses the communication supervision system, introduces the current legislation of the communication supervision system abroad, analyzes the present situation and deficiency of the communication supervision system in our country, and combines with the relevant legislation of foreign countries. Some suggestions on the construction of communication supervision system in China are put forward. The first part introduces the concept, characteristics, nature and legalization of communication supervision. China does not have the concept of communication supervision, so this paper first introduces the concept of monitoring, clear the difference between the concept of monitoring and communication supervision, through the discussion of academic controversy on the concept of communication supervision and the attitude of each country to the concept of communication supervision. Then I put forward my point of view, the details of communication monitoring and the nature of communication monitoring. At the same time, based on the current situation of legislation in China, the concept of legalization of communication supervision is put forward. The second part discusses the necessity of legalization of communication supervision. Communication supervision has not only its superiority in crime investigation, but also its abuse to people's rights. Therefore, only by legalizing the communication supervision measures, can we find the best balance between advantages and disadvantages. This part discusses the necessity of the legalization of communication supervision from four aspects: the restriction of the investigation power, the protection of the civil rights, the inevitable requirement of the construction of the legal system and the trend of international development. The third part is a comparative study on the legal system of communication supervision in the extraterritorial law. According to the material we have, this part sorts out the relevant legislation of the western countries on communication supervision from the aspects of legislative model, applicable conditions, applicable procedure, supervision and restriction, and relief to the rights of the supervised person, etc. As the legislative reference of our country. The fourth part is the problems existing in the communication supervision system of our country. For a long time, communication supervision system has not been brought into the scope of legislation in our country. Although the criminal procedure law provides for technical investigation, it is lack of specific maneuverability. In practice, communication supervision is very arbitrary and has been in a state of "derailment" for a long time, which reflects the relative backwardness of the traditional concept of legal system in our country. The fifth part boldly puts forward the perfect suggestion to our country's communication supervision system. First of all, it puts forward the basic principles that should be followed in the construction of communication supervision system in our country, and then separately from the scope of application, initiating procedures, executing procedures, handling, supervising and protecting the information obtained, In order to make a contribution to the construction of communication supervision system in China, the author designs a set of schemes which are suitable for our country's judicial system, suitable for the judicial system and operable in order to make a contribution to the construction of our country's communication supervision system.


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