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发布时间:2018-06-14 17:01

  本文选题:损害赔偿权 + 刑事责任 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2015年博士论文

【摘要】:刑事被害人损害赔偿权,是指刑事被害人对于因犯罪造成的物质损失或精神损害,有权请求犯罪人赔偿,进而获得物质上、财产上的利益恢复。既可以要求返还原物,也可以用金钱做等价赔偿,还可以用劳动折作赔偿。作为在有具体被害人的犯罪中,,犯罪的本质是严重侵犯他人人身权和财产权利权利的犯罪,即严重的侵权,因此刑事损害赔偿权具有民事赔偿的属性,其权利主体、赔偿范围、赔偿原则应当参照民事侵权损害赔偿标准。但是刑事被害人损害赔偿权的行使具有惩罚犯罪人的功能,作为非刑罚处理方法,是刑事责任的承担方式之一。 被害人损害赔偿权根植于人权保障观、正义观和报应观。保护被害人损害赔偿权是保护人权的必然要求,有利于惩罚和预防犯罪,有利于节约司法资源,实现刑罚宽缓。在同态复仇、血亲复仇的原始社会时期,人们只想着复仇,不存在损害赔偿权。随着农业的发展,私有制的出现,尤其是货币的产生,使人们在权利受到侵害后,希望获得经济上的赔偿,赔偿逐渐取代残酷的暴力复仇,并成为一种社会行为得以推广。伴随国家这一组织的建立和国家权力的扩张,国家惩治犯罪的欲望越来越膨胀,公民让渡的个人自由越来越多,以至于超过了“保护社会利益和公共利益的需要”。国家由居中裁判方逐步转变为追诉犯罪方,并逐渐取代被害人行使追诉犯罪和惩罚犯罪权,被害人处于萎缩的边缘,被害人损害赔偿权处于衰落的状态。通过对新的犯罪概念中私人侵权性的解读,以及新的犯罪本质观中严重侵权性的重释,以及恢复性司法理念的影响,在被害人保护运动的背景下,在被害人学理论的指引下,被害人重新回到各国刑事司法视野当中,被害人损害赔偿权复兴。认定损害赔偿权具有侵权民事性质,提升被害人地位、保护被害人权利成为国际社会普遍关注的课题,加强被害人损害赔偿权成为当然的题中之义。 我国被害人损害赔偿权保护现状分为刑法保护、诉讼程序保护、执行程序保护,在实践中产生很多问题,如刑事附带民事上诉率增高,执行财产困难重重,被害人损害赔偿权难以得到周全的保护。分析原因主要为:损害赔偿权的权属不清;损害赔偿权的功能薄弱;损害赔偿权的路径单一。具体表现为赔偿范围萎缩、财产保护不平衡、附带民事诉讼具有依附性,执行程序不完善等方面。而且,能够发挥保护主体性和自主性作用的刑事和解也存在诸多问题。 在借鉴域外对于被害人损害赔偿权的保护的基础上,提出我国被害人损害赔偿权保护的建议。确认损害赔偿权的民事属性,在权利主体、赔偿范围、赔偿标准等方面要与民法保持某种程度的一致性,确立全面赔偿与优先赔偿原则。即精神损害赔偿取消不合理,被扶养人生活费作为间接损失,应当予以保护,而不能纳入精神损害赔偿范围予以排除。确立损害赔偿权作为非刑罚处理方法,是刑事责任的承担方式之一,因此可以单独适用或复合适用,将损害赔偿与刑罚方法相结合实现复合制裁方式,即成为影响刑罚裁量和刑罚变更的法定情节。进而探索损害赔偿权实现路径的多元化,赋予单独或附带提起民事诉讼选择权、完善财产保全与先行支付制度、建立犯罪人财产调查、控制与追踪制度、建立监狱劳动薪酬赔偿制度、设立创造性赔偿制度。恢复性司法主要从维护国家利益和社会秩序的角度对犯罪人适用刑罚,认为犯罪是侵害个人权利的行为,主要从修复、保护权利角度惩罚犯罪人,而且这种处罚决定由双方协商而成,可能包括赔礼道歉、赔偿损失、提供劳务等等。传统刑事司法理念只能使被害人报应情感得到短暂满足,而恢复性司法能起比较好的惩罚犯罪和抚慰被害人作用,有利于保障被害人损害赔偿权。将恢复性司法全面引入刑事调解与和解,以期实现被害人损害赔偿权保护的利益最大化。
[Abstract]:The right of compensation for the damage of the criminal victim means that the criminal victim has the right to claim the offender's compensation for the material loss or mental damage caused by the crime, and then obtain the recovery of the interests in the material and property. It can not only request the return of the original object, but also use money to make the equivalent compensation, and can also use labor as compensation. As a specific victim, the victim can be used as a specific victim. In the crime, the essence of the crime is a serious infringement of the right of person's personal right and property right, that is, a serious tort, so the right of compensation for the criminal damage has the property of civil compensation. The subject of the right, the scope of compensation and the principle of compensation shall refer to the subject of civil tort damages, but the exercise of the right of compensation for the damage of the criminal victim is of great importance. Punishing the criminal's function as a non penalty method is one of the ways to bear criminal responsibility.
The damage compensation right of the victim is rooted in the view of human rights protection, the view of justice and the view of retribution. The protection of the damage right of the victim is the inevitable requirement for the protection of human rights. It is beneficial to punish and prevent the crime, save the judicial resources and realize the penalty width. In the original period of the homomorphism revenge and the Revenge of the blood relatives, people only think of revenge and do not have damage. Right of compensation. With the development of agriculture, the emergence of private ownership, especially the emergence of money, makes people want economic compensation after the infringement of their rights. The compensation has gradually replaced the brutal vengeance and became a kind of social behavior to promote. The desire of the citizens to transfer more and more, more and more personal freedom, so that the "protection of social interests and the needs of public interests". The state has gradually changed from the central referee to the prosecution of the crime, and gradually replaced the victims to exercise the prosecution and punishment of the right to crime, the victim is on the edge of the atrophy, the victim damages compensation. The right of compensation is in a state of decline. Through the interpretation of the private infringement in the new concept of crime, the reinterpretation of the serious tort in the new concept of the nature of the crime and the influence of the concept of restorative justice, under the background of the victim protection movement, under the guidance of the theory of victim learning, the victim is back to the criminal judicial vision of various countries. The damage compensation right of the victim is rejuvenated. It is found that the right of damage compensation has the civil nature of tort, the promotion of the status of the victim and the protection of the rights of the victims become the universal concern of the international community, and the right to strengthen the damages of the victims is of course.
The protection of the damage compensation right of the victims in our country can be divided into criminal law protection, litigation procedure protection, execution procedure protection, and there are many problems in practice, such as the increase of the incidental civil appellate rate, the difficulties of executing property and the protection of the damage compensation right of the victims. The main reason is that the rights of the damage compensation right are not clear. The function of the right of damages is weak; the path of the right of damages is single. The concrete performance is that the scope of compensation is shrinking, the property protection is not balanced, the incidental civil action is attached and the execution procedure is imperfect. Moreover, there are many problems that can play the role of protections and autonomy.
On the basis of the protection of the right of damage compensation for the victims, this paper puts forward the suggestion of the protection of the right of damages for the victims of our country. To confirm the civil property of the right of compensation for damage, to maintain a certain degree of consistency with the civil law in the subject of right, the scope of compensation and the standard of compensation, and to establish the principle of comprehensive compensation and priority compensation. The compensation for damages is unreasonably cancelled and the living expenses of the dependants are indirect losses. They should be protected, but can not be excluded from the scope of compensation for mental damage. The establishment of the right to compensate for damage, as a non penalty treatment method, is one of the ways to bear the criminal responsibility. Therefore, it can be applied individually or in combination, and damages the compensation and the penalty method. Combined with the realization of compound sanctions, that is, the legal plot that affects the penalty discretion and the change of penalty, and then explore the diversification of the path of the right to compensate the damage, give the right to choose the civil action, perfect the property protection and the first payment system, establish the criminal property investigation, control and follow up the system, and establish the prison labor. The compensation system establishes the system of creative compensation. The restorative justice mainly applies the penalty to the offender from the angle of maintaining the national interests and social order. It is considered that the crime is the act of infringing on the rights of the individual. It mainly punishes the perpetrator from the angle of repairing and protecting the right, and this kind of punishment is decided by the two parties, and may include the indemnity road. The traditional criminal justice concept can only make the victim retribution emotion get short satisfaction, and the restorative justice can punish the crime and soothe the victim's function better, and protect the victim's right to compensate for damage. The benefit of the protection of the right of damages is maximized.


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