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发布时间:2018-06-14 17:11

  本文选题:刑事被害人谅解 + 定罪功能 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The criminal victim has always been a blind spot in the study of traditional criminal law, and the rise of the rights protection movement of the victim and the promotion of the victim's status in the criminal procedure, the urgent demand for the integration of relevant theories and victims in criminal law in order to meet the needs of the development of criminal integration. Most of the main contents of the criminal law and criminal law are the main line, including the main contents of the study, including the theory of crime and the theory of punishment. There is no special analysis of the victims in the textbooks of criminal law. The general theory of Criminal Law mentioned the committed behavior of the victims in the exclusion of criminal acts, and the behavior of the victims in the criminal law may affect the establishment of a crime. The use of this type of criminal law as a textbook is reasonable, but the neglect of the victim has long led to the confusion of the victim's factors in the study of criminal law and the judicial practice. The research on the victim's understanding has made up for the lack of the attitude of the victim in the theory of crime and the theory of punishment. The research on the attitude and behavior of the criminal victim of the victim begins with the criminal reconciliation. It comes from the rising judicial ideas of the western countries. The restorative judicial research has started in China since the.21 century, and it has been rapidly developed in our country. The real foundation of its existence is the protection of the rights of the victims and the criminal justice in the prevention and reform of the criminals. Failure until the promulgation of the new criminal procedure law in 2012, for a long time, whether the criminal reconciliation under the guidance of the concept of restorative justice can be implemented in our country has finally reached a conclusion. The criminal procedure law stipulates the criminal reconciliation procedure in the case of public prosecution. However, the research on the victim understanding in the criminal law is not the case in the criminal law. In the context of the socialist harmonious society, in the context of the socialist harmonious society, the criminal reconciliation emphasizes the settlement of criminal disputes between the injuring party and the injured party in the third parties' mediation or organization. In the end, the judicial organ will not be prosecuted for criminal responsibility or mitigate criminal responsibility. In depth study, criminal reconciliation will become a passive water, no wood. This article is a total of five parts, the number of words is about 50000 words, the main contents are as follows: the first part is a summary of the understanding of the criminal victim. It is clearly pointed out that the criminal victim understanding in this paper belongs to the institutionalized victim understanding. The definition of the concept can only clarify the connotation of the concept, and the extension of the concept can be clearly defined by comparing with other concepts. Therefore, the concept of the criminal victim is followed by the criminal victim understanding, the victim's consent and the criminal reconciliation. Analysis, in order to determine the center of research in the similar legal system. The second part is about the agreement between the criminal victim's understanding and the basic principles of the criminal law. This part of the author first analyzes the legal attributes of the criminal victim's understanding, and points out that the criminal victim is a right to the victim, and the state can give out part of the penalty right to the victim. The victim is free to dispose of. The criminal law is the basis for the state to exercise the right of punishment. The understanding of the victim will inevitably be introduced into the theoretical system of criminal law. The basic principle of the criminal law is the soul of the criminal law and the theoretical basis of the victim's understanding to the criminal law. In this part, the author focuses on the analysis of the understanding of the victims. In conjunction with the three basic principles of criminal law. The third part is about the criminal victim's understanding and conviction and sentencing. This part of the author makes a brief analysis of the different types of understanding of the criminal victim, as the prerequisite for the study of the criminal law function of the victim, and then expounds the basis of the victim understanding affecting the conviction and sentencing, that is, the victim understanding and the victim's understanding. The relationship of social harmfulness. On the criminalization function of the criminal victim's understanding, the author points out the crime function of the victim's understanding in the minor criminal cases, and analyzes the specific performance of the crime function. In the criminal victim's understanding of the punishment function, the author analyses whether the victim's understanding is sentenced to punishment, the kind of penalty and the penalty. The fourth part is about the status of the criminal victim understanding and implementation in our country. The author expounds the status of the victim's understanding through two angles of legislation and judicature. First, the author analyzes the victim understanding in the criminal code, the criminal procedure law and the judicial interpretation. In the fifth part, the fifth part is about the perfection of the criminal victim's understanding. This part corresponds to the fourth part, or the legislation and the judicature to perfect the criminal. The victim understanding system. In legislation, the legal system should be perfected to clarify the crime function of the criminal victim's understanding. By giving the public security organs the right to not file a case or revoke the case for the victim's understanding of the minor criminal cases, the victim understanding in the minor criminal case is taken as the condition for the discretionary non prosecution or the reprieve of the prosecution. In judicial practice, starting from the judicial determination of the understanding of the victim's victim and the review and supervision of the victim's understanding.




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