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发布时间:2018-06-14 17:12

  本文选题:证人出庭作证 + 证人保护 ; 参考:《南京大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the system of criminal procedure law of China, the system of witness appearing in court is an important part of the evidence law. It requires the witness to testify in court as the choice of many countries, and it is the objective requirement of the trial practice of our country. At present, the witness protection system has been cultured and standardized in many foreign countries, emphasizing the appearance of the witness in court. It is the responsibility of the modern citizen to testify, and the protection of the interests of the witness can not be neglected by the state in the protection of the interests of the witness in.1996. The reform of the way of trial to the "accusation and defense" is made by the criminal procedure law. That is to say, the two parties should provide their own opinions and evidence, and the judges and jurors who are neutral are recognized according to the evidence and claims of both parties. The fact and applicable law of the case are required. It is an inevitable requirement for the confrontation court to ask the witness to be questioned by the accusation and defense. However, because of the unsound laws and regulations, and the many reasons such as the society and the witness itself, the rate of witness appearing in court is low at present, and the witness is not afraid to appear in court and has become a major concern for the criminal trial activities of our country. The reluctance of a person to testify not only breaks the balance of power between the two parties, but also trampling the legitimate rights and interests of the accused, so that it can not get a fair judgment. Therefore, I think it is necessary to make some more comprehensive and thorough thinking on the construction and perfection of the system of witness testimony in our country, from legislation, judicature and society. This paper analyzes the reasons for the existing problems and puts forward some superficial views on how to improve the system of witness appearing in court. This article is divided into four parts. The first part is the basic concept and the value theory of witness appearing in court. The witness can answer the questions from the controlled plea and help the judge to be intuitionistic. To judge, make a comprehensive analysis, make a accurate judgment of the facts of the case, and make a fair judgment. This is not only the requirement of direct words, but also more conducive to maintaining the legal rights of the accused in our country, improving the efficiency of our country's litigation, and promoting the gradual perfection of the mode of trial in our country. The second part is from the background of the application of the new "Criminal Procedure Law" in 2013. The present situation and the reasons for the low rate of testimony in court in our country are analyzed. The rate of witness appearing in court is very low in our country, which has seriously hindered the reform of court trial. Therefore, it is urgent to solve the difficult dilemma of witness appearing in court. The three aspects of the neglect of the judicial organs and the influence of the Chinese traditional "weariness of litigation" were discussed in detail. The third part, by comparing and analyzing the system of witness appearing in court in the common law and civil law countries, introduced the characteristics of the system of witness appearing in court, including the qualifications of witnesses to testify in court and compulsory witnesses to appear in court. And the consequences of his refusal to appear in court, the economic compensation for witnesses to testify in court, the five aspects of the policy of witness safety protection and the exemption system of witness testimony, and then to draw lessons that can be used for reference in the law of our country. The fourth part is the author's construction and improvement by summarizing the problems and analyzing the experience of the foreign domestic law in the domain. At present, there are some views on the system of witness appearing in court in our country. The rate of criminal witness in our country is low. The key is that the legal work of witness appearing in court in our country is not enough and the system support is not enough. In order to solve this problem effectively, the author thinks that it should be analyzed from the legislative and judicial aspects. The first is the perfection of the legislative level, which mainly introduces the object and scope of the key witnesses, and the significance and value of the compulsory witness appearing in court. Secondly, the introduction of the witness protection measures is introduced on the basis of the existing laws. Then, the standardization and refinement of the economic compensation system, mainly the actual operation process. In order to improve the present situation of the low rate of witness appearing in court in our country, we should focus on improving the system of witness appearing in court in the criminal court. Therefore, the author believes that in the implementation of the new law of criminal procedure, judicial interpretations are issued by the judiciary. The way to make the relevant norms of the system of witness appearing in court in China has been fully implemented, and the situation of low attendance of witnesses has been improved for a long time.


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