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发布时间:2018-06-15 09:11

  本文选题:刑事瑕疵证据 + 适用 ; 参考:《山东大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:瑕疵证据作为一种介于合法证据与非法证据之间的特殊的证据形式,在我国的司法实践中一直广泛存在,但是由于长期以来我国关于瑕疵证据的法律规定存在空白,使得对于瑕疵证据的研究只是停留在理论层面,并且研究的深度与广度远远不如对非法证据的研究成熟和完善。《关于办理死刑案件审查判断证据若干问题的规定》(下文称《办理死刑案件证据规定》)和《关于办理刑事案件排除非法证据若干问题的规定》(下文称《非法证据排除规定》)的出台(统称为“两个《证据规定》”),使得我国对刑事瑕疵证据相关问题的研究不再是无源之水,而是具备了法律上的依据和基础。本文参考“两个《证据规定》”的相关条文,通过五个部分的内容对刑事瑕疵证据适用的相关问题进行了阐述: 第一部分介绍了刑事瑕疵证据的界定,首先,笔者列举了目前学界关于瑕疵证据概念的几种有代表性的观点,然后通过对各种观点进行评析,进而对瑕疵证据的概念做出了界定。其次,从客观性、关联性、轻微违法性和可转化性四个维度介绍了瑕疵证据所具有的特点,接下来通过将瑕疵证据和非法证据作对比,指出瑕疵证据和非法证据之间的区别和联系。最后,为加深对瑕疵证据的理解和认识,对其进行了简单的分类。 第二部分通过简要分析我国、德国、美国和其他几个主要国家在司法实践中对瑕疵证据持宽容态度,说明刑事瑕疵证据在两大法系国家中都有适用的空间,并且刑事瑕疵证据的适用是各种价值相互作用的结果,其存在价值可以从司法公正与诉讼效率之统一、严格证明与自由证明之融合、实体正义与程序正义之平衡这三个角度进行考里。 第三部分主要是对瑕疵证据的证据能力问题进行探析。对于瑕疵证据的证据能力问题,学界的观点概括起来主要有完全排除说、全面肯定说、折中说、补正说四种。笔者分别对四种观点进行了评析,并且赞同补正说主张的瑕疵证据的证据能力效力待定的观点。另外笔者从契约的角度对瑕疵证据的证据能力进行探讨,对构建证据能力契约使瑕疵证据具备证据能力进行可行性分析,以新的视角再论瑕疵证据的证据能力效力待定。 第四部分对我国刑事瑕疵证据在立法层面的不完善之处和在司法实践过程中适用时可能存在的问题进行探讨。立法层面我国存在着瑕疵证据的适用范围过于狭窄、与非法证据的界限模糊、转化方式不具体、法律对适用程序无明确规定等问题。司法实践层面,以王朝抢劫案为引子,分析了司法实践中存在的侦查机关依法取证意识不强、瑕疵证据采纳标准不统一、人权保障不到位、公检法机关对瑕疵证据转化的主动性不足等问题。 第五部分对完善我国刑事瑕疵证据的适用提出建议。首先,在将瑕疵证据应用于司法实践的过程中,遵循宏观的原则是非常有必要的,与此同时,必须明确瑕疵证据在转化过程中应当具有可操作性的规则。其次,要保障被追诉人的知情权和辩护律师充分行使权利,并且要实现侦查权的优化配置。再次,参照非法证据排除的规定,明确了瑕疵证据转化的程序。最后,要对相关的配套措施加以完善。
[Abstract]:As a kind of special evidence between legal evidence and illegal evidence , the evidence of flaw lies in the judicial practice of our country .

The first part introduces the definition of the evidence of criminal flaws . First , the author lists several representative opinions about the concept of flaw evidence , then defines the concept of the flaw evidence . Secondly , the author points out the differences and connections between the flaw evidence and the illegal evidence from the four dimensions of objectivity , relevance , minor illegality and convertible . Finally , it makes a simple classification to deepen the understanding and understanding of the flaw evidence .

In the second part , the author analyzes our country , Germany , the United States and several other major countries in the judicial practice . It shows that the evidence of criminal flaw lies in the two countries of the law system , and the application of the evidence of criminal flaw lies in the result of the interaction of various values . The existence value of the evidence can be divided into three aspects : the unification of the judicial fairness and the efficiency of the litigation , the strict proof and the balance of the entity justice and the procedural justice .

The third part mainly probes into the evidence ability of the flaw evidence . In view of the evidence ability of the flaw evidence , the view of the academic circle is generally ruled out , and the author points out that there are four kinds of evidence . In addition , the author discusses the four opinions , and agrees with the viewpoint that the evidence ability of the evidence of the flaw lies to be determined . In addition , the author discusses the evidence ability of the evidence ability contract from the angle of contract , and makes a feasibility analysis on the evidence ability of the evidence ability contract , and then discusses the evidence ability of the flaw evidence with the new visual angle .

The fourth part discusses the imperfection of the evidence of criminal flaw in our country and the possible problems in the course of judicial practice .

The fifth part makes some suggestions on perfecting the application of the evidence of criminal flaw in China . First , it is necessary to follow the macro principle in the process of applying the flaw evidence to the judicial practice . At the same time , it is necessary to make clear the rules of the maneuverability in the process of transformation . Secondly , to guarantee the right of the person to be prosecuted and the defense lawyer to fully exercise their rights , and to realize the optimal disposition of the investigation right .


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