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发布时间:2018-06-15 13:17

  本文选题:审前会议 + 审前审查 ; 参考:《广西民族大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The system of pretrial meeting has been established in the Criminal procedure Law of the people's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the New Law). It has become a hot topic in academic circles because of its pioneering value in China's judicial system. Through the interpretation of several issues concerning the implementation of the Criminal procedure Law of the people's Republic of China by the Supreme people's Court (hereinafter referred to as the judicial interpretation of the Supreme Law), It shows that it not only has the function of substantive examination but also has the significance of procedural review. Before the establishment of this system, the court did not intervene in the pretrial procedure, nor did it have the criminal procedure structure in which the three parties participated in the prosecution, defense and trial. It is not conducive to the exercise of the right to defence, especially the exclusion of illegal evidence, which has to be postponed to the court session. With this reform, the defender's defence can be presented before the trial. This widening of litigation channels, better protection of human rights, is a major progress of the trial. However, the specific process of the pretrial meeting, our legislation has not been involved. Starting from the system of pretrial meeting, this paper adopts the method of comparative study, on the basis of the research of the similar preliminary procedure in common law system and the intermediate procedure in Germany, based on the content of the new criminal procedure law and the judicial interpretation of the supreme law. Focusing on the specific content, system value and scientific system construction of the pretrial conference system, in order to perfect the pretrial conference system, make it cooperate with the existing pretrial review procedure, and strive to establish a pre-trial procedure in accordance with the national conditions, To further the administration of criminal justice.


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