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发布时间:2018-06-15 14:22

  本文选题:监听 + 职务犯罪 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:犯罪行为与刑事侦查本质上是一对共生共存的社会历史现象,任何一个国家的刑事侦查程序的最基本价值追求就是打击和惩罚犯罪,保护社会秩序与安全。基于此,犯罪行为每一次嬗变必将引起国家刑事侦查权力在手段和方式上一次针锋相对的回应。所以,为了更加有效地查控犯罪,世界各国普遍使用具有较高科技水平的侦查手段,以期达到提高查控犯罪和保障公民权利能力的目的。因此,监听逐渐成为世界各国普遍采用的一种刑事侦查措施。司法实践中,监听也因其本身所具有的技术性、秘密性和强制性的特征,,使其在弥补传统侦查手段的不足和打击特殊类型犯罪方面体现出强大的适应性和高效性。 腐败,即国家工作人员“利用职务之便”的职务犯罪行为,自古以来都是国家和社会的“毒瘤”,对社会政治体制的正常运转具有严重的影响,对国家各项政策的执行落实产生严重的阻碍,对公民合法权利的行使造成严重的侵害。近年来,职务犯罪的变化态势伴随着我国经济社会的转型,也表现出串联网络更加庞杂、手段更新更加智能、实施行为更加秘密等趋势,犯罪嫌疑人反侦查、反审讯的经验愈加丰富,检察机关惩治职务犯罪面对的挑战也愈加严峻。因此,在职务犯罪侦查中引入监听措施已是势在必行。在国外,监听作为刑事侦查措施不仅运用于严重犯罪案件,并且广泛运用于职务犯罪案件的侦查工作。在常规侦查手段适用效果不大的情况下,赋予检察机关一定的特殊侦查措施,既是对职务犯罪侦查特殊需要的回应,也是履行国际公约的必然选择。2013年生效的修改后刑事诉讼法,已经明确赋予了检察机关技术侦查权,即检察机关立案侦查的重大职务犯罪案件,可以适用技术侦查措施,但对于技术侦查措施等具体项目、适用程序以及技术侦查材料的证据能力等问题均未有明确规定。 因此,本文从监听措施的定义性质入手,通过研究我国职务犯罪中的适用现状和问题,借鉴监听制度的域外法律规制,结合我国职务犯罪侦查实践对监听措施的适用程序、证据能力以及法律规制作一定探讨,以期对我国职务犯罪侦查中适用监听措施提供一些参考性意见和建议。全文共分四部分:第一部分为职务犯罪侦查中监听的性质和必要性。第二部分为我国职务犯罪侦查中监听的制度现状。第三部分为监听制度的域外立法考察及启示。第四部分为关于我国职务犯罪侦查中监听制度的完善。
[Abstract]:Criminal investigation and criminal investigation are essentially a pair of symbiotic social and historical phenomena. The basic value of any country's criminal investigation procedure is to strike and punish the crime and protect the social order and security. Based on this, every transmutation of criminal behavior will cause the state criminal investigation power to be in a means and way. Therefore, in order to more effectively check and control crime, all countries in the world generally use a high scientific and technological level of investigation means, in order to achieve the purpose of improving the crime of checking and controlling and guaranteeing the ability of civil rights. Therefore, monitoring has gradually become a kind of criminal investigation measure commonly used in the world. In judicial practice, monitoring is also caused by monitoring It has its own characteristics of technology, secret and coercion, which makes it strong adaptability and high efficiency in making up the shortage of traditional means of investigation and attacking special types of crime.
Corruption, that is, the duty crime of the state workers "taking advantage of their duties", has been a "tumor" of the state and society since ancient times. It has a serious impact on the normal operation of the social and political system, has seriously hindered the implementation of the national policies, and has caused serious infringement on the exercise of the legitimate rights of the public and the people. The changing situation of the duty crime is accompanied by the transformation of our country's economy and society, and also shows that the series network is more complex, the means of updating is more intelligent and the implementation of the behavior is more secret. The experience of the criminal suspects anti investigation, the counter interrogation is becoming more and more abundant, and the challenge of the procuratorial organs to punish the duty crimes is becoming more and more serious. Therefore, in the position of duty, it is in the position of duty. It is imperative to introduce the monitoring measures in criminal investigation. In foreign countries, monitoring is not only used in serious crime cases, but also widely used in the investigation work of duty crime cases. In the case of small application effect of conventional investigation means, special investigation measures are given to procuratorial machines. The response to the special needs of the crime investigation is also the amended criminal procedure law, which is the inevitable choice for the international convention to be taken into force in.2013 years. It has clearly given the procuratorial organ technical investigation right, that is, the major duty crime cases of the procuratorial organ in the investigation of the case, and the technical investigation measures can be applied, but the application course for the specific items such as the technical investigation measures and so on. The preface and the ability of evidence of technical investigative materials are not clearly defined.
Therefore, starting with the definition and nature of the monitoring measures, this paper studies the application status and problems of the duty crime in our country, draws on the foreign legal rules and regulations of the monitoring system, and discusses the application procedure, the evidence ability and the legal regulation of the monitoring measures in combination with the investigation practice of the duty crime in our country, with a view to the investigation of the duty crime in China. The application of monitoring measures provides some reference opinions and suggestions. The full text is divided into four parts: the first part is the nature and necessity of monitoring in the investigation of duty crime. The second part is the system status of monitoring in the investigation of duty crime in our country. The third part is the extraterritorial investigation and Enlightenment of the monitoring system. The fourth part is about the position of our country. The system of monitoring in criminal investigation is perfect.


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