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发布时间:2018-06-16 05:04

  本文选题:刑事二审 + 期限 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:刑事二审期限制度是关于司法审判机关审理刑事二审案件所须遵守的法定期限制度。审理期限限制度作为诉讼法中的一项重要制度,对保障公平与效率、维护当事人人权等具有重要意义。 我国刑事审限制度源远流长,早在春秋战国时期就有关于刑事审理期限最早的记载,1979年通过的《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》正式对刑事二审期限制度进行了规定,并被我国现行刑事诉讼法承袭。目前我国关于刑事二审期限制度的规定主要体现在刑事诉讼法及相关司法解释中,其基本内容包括刑事二审案件的审理期限规定、延长、重新计算以及不计入审理期限的情形。 刑事二审审理期限制度是保证诉讼公正和高效的重要制度。合理的刑事二审期限不仅能保证公安司法机关及时、准确地惩罚和打击罪犯,较快地恢复被犯罪行为破坏的社会关系,而且能有效的防止被告人被无期限地羁押,保证其合法权益,进而维系惩罚犯罪与保障人权之间的平衡,实现程序公正和实体公正。且审理期限制度还能最大限度地实现诉讼高效。 刑事二审期限制度通过为司法机关的行为设定期限,旨在促使公安司法机关尽快地完成其诉讼行为,防止诉讼拖延和超期羁押,进而使有限的诉讼资源得到充分的利用。但是实践中,司法机关每个办案人员手中同时有好几个案件,有些案件期限又差不多,为了完成任务,为了追求所谓的“效率”,一些办案人员免不了会敷衍,导致草草结案,使得正义无法得到伸张。 所以,刑事二审法官必须牢固树立公正与效率的概念。公正与效率是刑事诉讼追求的目标,也是刑事二审程序的出发点与归宿,其中的二者不可偏废。刑事二审期限问题直接涉及的是二审效率,但前提是必须确保二审的公正,包括实体公正和程序公正。因此,适当的延长一些刑事二审案件审理期限有利于正确处理好公正与效率的关系,使得法官们能遵循“公正优先,兼顾效率”的基本原则,在保障二审司法公正的前提下,确实遵守二审的法定期限,提高二审的办案效率。 尽管刑事二审期限制度在我国已形成了较系统的规定,但该制度在司法实践中仍然有很多问题与不足,隐形超期限审理问题还时有发生。这不仅了损害了司法权威,更侵犯了当事人的正当利益。因此,我国在对刑事二审期限制度的立法加以修改和完善的基础上,还应该加强相关理论认知与完善相关配套措施,使得刑事二审案件都能在法定期限内结案,保证公平与效率的高度统一。
[Abstract]:The second criminal trial period system is about the legal time limit system that the judicial organs must abide by when hearing the criminal second instance cases. As an important system in procedural law, the system of limitation of trial time limit is of great significance to safeguard fairness and efficiency, safeguard the human rights of the parties and so on. The criminal trial limit system in China has a long history. As early as the Spring and Autumn period and the warring States period, the earliest criminal trial period was recorded. The Criminal procedure Law of the people's Republic of China, adopted in 1979, formally stipulated the criminal second instance deadline system. And is inherited by our country's current criminal procedure law. At present, the stipulation of the time limit system of criminal second instance in our country is mainly reflected in the criminal procedure law and the related judicial interpretation. Its basic content includes the time limit of hearing the criminal second instance case, extending, recalculating and not counting the trial period. The time limit system of criminal second instance is an important system to guarantee the fairness and efficiency of litigation. A reasonable time limit for the second criminal trial can not only ensure that the public security and judicial organs punish and crack down on the criminals in a timely and accurate manner and restore the social relations destroyed by the criminal acts, but also effectively prevent the accused from being detained indefinitely. Guarantee its legal rights and interests, and then maintain the balance between punishing crime and protecting human rights, and realize procedural justice and substantive justice. And the trial time limit system can realize the litigation efficiency to the maximum extent. By setting a time limit for the behavior of judicial organs, the system of criminal second instance aims to urge the public security judicial organs to complete their litigation acts as soon as possible, to prevent litigation delay and excessive detention, and then to make full use of the limited litigation resources. However, in practice, there are several cases in the hands of each person handling the case in the judicial organ, and some cases have similar deadlines. In order to complete the task and pursue the so-called "efficiency", some investigators will inevitably perfunctory, leading to the hasty conclusion of the case. Which prevents justice from being done. Therefore, the criminal second instance judge must firmly establish the concept of justice and efficiency. Justice and efficiency are the goal of criminal procedure and the starting point and destination of criminal second instance procedure. The time limit of the second criminal trial is directly related to the efficiency of the second instance, but the premise is that the fairness of the second instance, including substantive justice and procedural justice, must be ensured. Therefore, the proper extension of the trial period of some criminal cases of second instance is conducive to correctly handling the relationship between justice and efficiency, so that the judges can follow the basic principle of "justice first, giving consideration to efficiency", and on the premise of safeguarding the judicial justice of the second instance, It is true to abide by the legal time limit of the second instance and improve the efficiency of the second instance case handling. Although the system of the second instance of criminal trial has been established systematically in our country, there are still many problems and deficiencies in the judicial practice of the system, and the problem of the hidden deadline of trial still occurs from time to time. This not only damaged the judicial authority, but also violated the legitimate interests of the parties. Therefore, on the basis of amending and perfecting the legislation of the second instance period system, we should strengthen the relevant theoretical cognition and perfect the relevant supporting measures, so that all the criminal second instance cases can be concluded within the legal time limit. Ensure a high degree of unity between fairness and efficiency.


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